
Just now, over 100 billion yuan!


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China Fund News reporter Zhang Yanbei and Sun Xiaohui

Since the beginning of this year, despite continued market volatility, public funds have remained enthusiastic about dividend distribution.

The latest data shows that as of now, public offering funds have distributed dividends of more than 100 billion yuan this year. Bond funds are still the main force of dividend distribution, and the dividend distribution of ETF products has increased significantly compared with previous years, especially the dividend distribution frequency of dividend strategy products has increased significantly.

Bond funds are still the main force in dividend distribution

Wind data shows that as of July 22, a total of 2,185 funds (calculated separately for different shares, the same below) have distributed dividends 3,363 times, a year-on-year increase of 9.54%; the dividend amount reached 100.081 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 0.24%.

In terms of product types, bond funds are still the main force in dividend distribution. Among the fund products that distributed dividends this year, 1,888 were bond funds, accounting for nearly 90%; the total dividend amounted to 86.226 billion yuan, accounting for more than 85%. In addition, the total dividends of stock funds, public REITs, and hybrid funds were 7.108 billion yuan, 3.845 billion yuan, and 2.718 billion yuan, respectively.

Specifically, this year, Huatai-PineBridge CSI 300 ETF and Southern CSI 500 ETF have both distributed dividends once, with the amounts reaching RMB 2.494 billion and RMB 1.267 billion respectively, ranking first and second among all dividend products in the market. Also a stock ETF, Huatai-PineBridge Dividend ETF also ranked seventh among the top ten with a dividend amount of RMB 797 million.

Compared with the same period last year, the dividend amount of Huatai-PineBridge CSI 300 ETF more than doubled, the dividend of Huatai-PineBridge Dividend ETF increased by more than 14% year-on-year, and the Southern CSI 500 ETF did not pay dividends in the same period last year.

It is worth mentioning that among the top ten dividend products this year, except for the above three stock ETFs, the remaining seven seats are bond funds. With 1.201 billion yuan, BOC Securities Anjin has become the bond fund with the largest dividend amount this year, ranking third among all dividend products in the market. Other bond funds include Golden Eagle Tianying Pure Bond C, Penghua China Bond 1-3 Year Agricultural Development Bank C, BOC Fenghe Regular Open, E Fund Yuxiang Return A, Golden Eagle Tianying Pure Bond A, BOC Securities Huijia Regular Open, etc., which are among the top ten.

At the same time, bond funds also have the highest number of dividends paid this year. Except for Huatai-Prudential Dividend Low Volatility ETF Linkage, which has paid dividends 7 times this year, the rest of the funds that have paid dividends more than 3 times are bond funds, including China Asset Management State-owned Enterprise Bond, Harvest Ultra Short Bond, Huatai Zijin Monthly 1-month Rolling, Tongtai Hengli Pure Bond, Hang Seng Qianhai Hengyuan Hongli, ICBC Ruifeng Half-year Fixed Open, and many other bond funds have implemented 6-7 dividends this year.

ETFs explore active dividends

Compared with previous years, ETF dividend enthusiasm has increased significantly.

According to Wind statistics, as of July 22, 40 ETFs (including ETF links) have implemented dividends this year, with a total dividend amount and a total number of dividends reaching 6.016 billion yuan and 68 times, respectively. In the same period last year, there were 15 ETFs, with a total dividend amount and a total number of dividends reaching 3.422 billion yuan and 18 times, respectively, an increase of 76% and 278% year-on-year.

Among the products that paid dividends this year, many ETFs led the way in terms of dividend amounts. In addition to Huatai-PineBridge CSI 300 ETF, Southern CSI 500 ETF, and Huatai-PineBridge Dividend ETF, which ranked first, second, and seventh, ICBC CSI 300 ETF, Harvest CSI 300 Dividend Low Volatility ETF, and China Asset Management C-Link C all paid dividends for the first time this year, and the scale of dividends was more than 100 million yuan. In the same period last year, the top three dividend amounts were 2 bond funds and 1 mixed fund.

In addition, judging from the number of dividends, dividend strategy ETF products have been actively paying dividends since the beginning of this year. For example, Huatai-PineBridge Dividend Low Volatility ETF Link A and C shares have both implemented 7 dividends, Guotai SSE State-owned Enterprise Dividend ETF and Wan CSI Dividend ETF have both implemented 3 dividends, ICBC CSI A50 ETF, Huatai-PineBridge SSE Dividend ETF Link A/C, CMB CSI Dividend ETF Link E, Fuguo Hang Seng Hong Kong Stock Connect High Dividend Low Volatility ETF, Harvest CSI 300 Dividend Low Volatility ETF Link A/C, CMB CSI Dividend ETF Link A/C, etc. have all implemented 2 dividends.

It is worth mentioning that since this year, many fund companies have been actively exploring dividend models for their ETF products.

For example, Huaan SSE 180 ETF is currently holding a holder meeting to consider increasing the number of dividends from a maximum of four times per year to 12 times, subject to the compliance with relevant fund income distribution conditions; on March 22 this year, ICBC CSI A50 ETF paid dividends just four days after its listing. As one of the first batches, Morgan CSI A50 ETF has included quarterly mandatory dividends in its contract. The Wan CSI Dividend ETF, which was also established in March this year, has designed a monthly dividend mechanism. China Merchants CSI Dividend ETF will also adjust the dividend rhythm from once every six months to quarterly dividends.

Editor: Xiaomo

Audit: Wooden Fish

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