
Most people die in their twenties or thirties.


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This article is reproduced from the official account: Design and Philosophy (ID: PhilosophyDesign)


1. Life always leaves us bruised and battered, but in the end, those injured places will become our strongest places.

2. It takes us two years to learn to speak, but sixty years to learn to shut up.

3. There is nothing noble about being better than others. The real nobility is being better than your past self.

4. Now is not the time to think about what you lack, but what you can do with what you have.

Albert Einstein:

5. Don’t try to be a successful person, try to be a valuable person.

6. Don’t complain about life, it only shows your incompetence. Strong people never complain about life.

7. The difference between people comes from their spare time. Spare time can make a person successful or destroy him.

Mark Twain:

8. Wrinkles only indicate where a smile has been.

9. The violet leaves its scent on the ankle that crushes it; that is forgiveness.

10. Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, you should stop and reflect.

11. Don't give up your fantasy. When the fantasy is gone, you can still survive, but you are dead.


12. Time determines who you will meet in your life, your heart determines who you want to appear in your life, and your actions determine who will stay in the end.

13. From now on, don’t live the life you should live, live the life you want to live!

14. The more things a person can let go of, the richer he is.


15. No matter how long the night is, the day will always come.

16. On the big clock of time, there are only two words: "now".

17. Appropriate sadness can express the depth of feelings, but excessive sadness can prove the lack of wisdom.

18. Listen more, talk less, accept everyone's criticism, but reserve your final judgment.

Oscar Wilde:

19. When you have youth, enjoy it. Don't waste your golden years, don't listen to boring things, don't try to save hopeless failures, and don't dedicate your life to ignorance, mediocrity and vulgarity.

20. It is not selfish to live the life you want, but it is selfish to ask others to live the life you want.

21. Life is not complicated. What is complicated is ourselves.


22. If you can have fun while wasting time, it is not wasting time.

23. The secret to happiness is: expand your interests as much as possible and be as friendly as possible to the people and things that interest you.

24. If you get angry when you hear an opinion that is different from yours, it means that you have subconsciously felt that your opinion is not well-founded. If someone insists that two plus two equals five, you will only feel pity instead of anger.


25. Never break four things in your life: trust, relationship, promise and heart. Because when they are broken, there will be no sound, but it will be extremely painful.

26. When you decide to do something, you must do it and do it thoroughly.


27. Reading is not for eloquence and refutation, nor for credulity and blind obedience, but for thinking and weighing.

28. Life is like a road. The shortest way is usually the worst way.

29. No matter how you express your anger, don't do anything irreparable.


30. Man is not born to drag chains, but to spread his wings.

31. Having your mask unmasked by others is a failure, but taking off your own mask is a victory.

32. When others let go, he still persists. When others retreat, he still rushes forward. Every time he falls, he stands up immediately - this kind of person will never fail.

Romain Rolland:

33. There is only one kind of heroism in the world, and that is to still love life after recognizing the truth of life.

34. Most people die in their twenties or thirties, because after this age, they are just shadows of themselves, and spend the rest of their lives imitating themselves, day after day, repeating more mechanically and pretentiously what they did, thought, loved and hated in their lifetime.

35. A person's character determines his fate. If you like to keep your character, then you have no right to refuse your fate.


36. All great actions and thoughts have a humble beginning.

37. The true generosity towards the future is to give everything to the present.


38. Life may not be as good as you imagine, but it will not be as bad as you imagine.

39. People’s fragility and strength are beyond one’s imagination. Sometimes, one may be so fragile that tears flow down one’s cheeks at a single word; sometimes, one may find oneself gritting one’s teeth and walking a long way.

40. There are so many people in this world who could have been successful but ended up in obscurity because they wasted their precious time.


41. When a person devotes his whole heart to doing something well, he will eventually succeed.

42. Remember, people go astray not because of their ignorance, but because they think they know.

43. The person who lives the most meaningful life is not the one who lives the longest, but the one who has the most feelings about life.


44. External beauty can only please people's eyes, while internal beauty can infect people's souls.

45. What makes people tired is not the distant mountains, but the grain of sand in the shoes.


46. ​​Misfortune is a stepping stone for geniuses, the baptismal water for believers, the priceless treasure for capable people, and the bottomless abyss for the weak.

47. Does your life and your happiness really lie in pretending to have an identity you don’t have, spending money you can’t afford, wasting your precious student time, and experiencing that society?

Alexandre Dumas:

48. If you want something, you have to set it free. If it comes back to you, it is yours. If it doesn't come back, you never had it.

49. When you try desperately to accomplish something, you are no longer the opponent of others, or to be more precise, others are no longer your opponents. No matter who it is, as long as he makes this determination, he will immediately feel that he has added infinite power, and his vision will be broadened.


50. If a person knows why he lives, he can endure any kind of life.

51. If there is a miracle in this world, it is just another name for hard work.

52. Never forget: the higher we fly, the smaller we appear in the eyes of those who cannot fly.


53. No one lives in the past, and no one lives in the future. The present is the only form of life that really exists.

54. The only things that people can truly understand and appreciate in the end are those that are essentially the same as themselves.

55. We often don’t think about what we have, but we are obsessed with what we can’t get.


56. Whoever plays with life will accomplish nothing; whoever cannot control himself will always be a slave.

57. Anyone who has not eaten bread with tears does not understand the taste of life.

58. If you can’t do it today, you won’t be able to do it tomorrow. Don’t waste a single day. Be determined to grab the things that are possible and hold on to them tightly. If you are determined, you won’t let them slip away and you will definitely carry them out.


59. Freedom is not about doing whatever you want. Freedom is about teaching you not to do what you don’t want to do.

60. Philosophy cannot be taught. It is always the business of thinkers.

61. What a person says must be true, but he does not have to say everything he knows.

Hayao Miyazaki:

62. No matter how hard the road ahead is, as long as you are heading in the right direction, no matter how bumpy it is, you are closer to happiness than standing still.

63. Life will get better when it gets bad enough, because it can’t get any worse. After working hard, you will understand many things. If you persist, you will get through it.

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