
Planet Earth: Extreme Survival holds world premiere, revealing the mysteries of nature


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Beijing News (Reporter Zhou Huixiaowan) On July 22, the first film of the "BBC Earth" documentary series "Planet Earth" "Planet Earth: Extreme Survival" held the "Letter to the Earth" global premiere at the China Science and Technology Museum, and released the "All Things Coexist" version of the final trailer. The trailer is based on the theme of "Follow the vision of the big screen and explore the unparalleled natural wonders", and deeply shows the audience the natural sounds under various landforms and the survival instincts of various animals in the extreme places. The film is produced by Michael Gunton and directed by Abigail Lees. It will be released nationwide on July 27.

Premiere scene.

The premiere invited photographer, collector, and cultural relic connoisseur Zong Tongchang, PhD in economics and professor of the School of Environment at Renmin University of China Li Yan, and famous Blackwater photographer Zhang Fan. They took their own fields as examples to talk about the charm of nature in various dimensions, and praised the film for showing the beauty of nature to humans living on the entire earth, and recommended more people to go to the cinema to watch the film. In addition, the children who watched the film on site played a small game of "listening to the sound and identifying the object". After watching the film, they were able to quickly identify which animal made the sound by the source of the sound.

The final trailer uses the clues of "Have you ever listened to the pulse of the earth, the hidden voice under the turbulence, and the competitive instinct of the extreme land" to present three themes: the sound of nature, the scenery of the ocean, and the journey of animals. The subtle and smart sounds together with the mountains, oceans, and wastelands constitute the entire natural environment. Wild animals struggle to survive in unexpected environments. Crocodiles waiting for opportunities to hunt, flamingos struggling in the storm, and saiga antelopes fighting desperately for mates all show vigorous vitality.

To capture such vivid wonders, the film production team visited 43 countries and regions on six continents around the world, using advanced filming equipment such as light drones, high-speed cameras and long-range deep-sea submersibles to explore many amazing habitats on the earth, presenting the most magnificent wonders of nature and the incredible survival legends of wild animals, revealing the amazing changes and far-reaching impacts of nature.

Editor: Xu Meilin

Proofread by Yang Li