
BMW driver stopped other people's vehicles 6 times, suspected to be dissatisfied with the straight-moving car not giving way when turning


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(Original title: BMW driver was detained for stopping other people's vehicles 6 times because he was dissatisfied with the straight-moving car not giving way when turning around! The reporter spoke out)

"He might have thought that I didn't give him the way, so he suddenly started chasing and blocking me. The police have already handled this matter, and the other party has been administratively detained for five days." On July 22, Mr. Chen from Dalian told reporters that the man who cut him off and insulted him had been punished.

The reporter confirmed from the Dalian police that the driver of the white BMW, Song, has been sentenced to five days of administrative detention for obstructing the normal operation of the vehicle.

Suspected road rage

"He might have thought that I didn't let him go, so he suddenly started chasing and intercepting me."

Mr. Chen recalled that at around 5 p.m. on July 17, he was driving on Ganglong Road on the north side of Kaidan Plaza in Zhongshan District, Dalian City. A white BMW with a Liao B license plate suddenly turned around and almost scratched his black car.

"I was driving straight normally, but he turned and changed lanes. His car hit me, and I kept avoiding him." Mr. Chen told reporters that the white BMW then forced him to stop his vehicle six times, and his dashcam recorded the entire process.

The driver of a white BMW maliciously stopped the car several times. Photo provided by the interviewee

"I was driving straight normally, and he changed lanes to my lane. I was driving normally, so I couldn't have braked to avoid him. I was driving forward normally, and he probably thought that he didn't let him, so he suddenly started chasing and intercepting me from behind."

Mr. Chen said that finally, at the entrance of a shopping mall's parking lot, the white BMW blocked the way again and forced his car to stop. A man in black got out of the driver's seat and pointed at him and shouted insults at him. A woman got out of the passenger seat on the other side. The two of them cursed him and threatened him physically.

The man in black pointed at Mr. Chen and yelled at him. Photo provided by the interviewee

"He stopped the car directly. He must have been in an irrational state... I didn't get out of the car at that time."

Mr. Chen denied that he had provoked the other party with his words, "I didn't scold them, he was probably in a bad mood while driving."

Select Alarm

The police retrieved the dashcam footage and found that both the man and woman in the BMW were from Dalian.

Seeing the other party's arrogant attitude, Mr. Chen had no choice but to call the police. "I called the police that day, and according to local management, it was handled by the local police station."

Mr. Chen confirmed to reporters that the police in charge of the case retrieved the surveillance video from the dashcam, "The objective facts of this matter are very clear, so the police handled it directly."

Mr. Chen said that the man and woman in the BMW were both from Dalian. "The police made this penalty decision yesterday (July 21). Starting from yesterday, the driver will be administratively detained for 5 days. I heard from the public security organs that they will issue a notice."

Mr. Chen claimed that the other party was the one who started the trouble first. He said that according to the Road Traffic Safety Law, vehicles turning must give way to vehicles going straight. If a traffic accident occurs as a result, the other party must bear full responsibility.

Keep Calm

"He kept changing lanes and didn't stop, but I was always forbearing."

The reporter noticed that this incident sparked heated discussions among netizens, and most netizens condemned the dangerous behavior of the white BMW driver.

Having been stopped by other cars six times, Mr. Chen admitted to the reporter that he saw netizens reposting and commenting, "Everyone in the online video comment area said that I have a good temper and I will not collide with other cars. If that is really the case, what is the point?"

Mr. Chen said that he was forbearing throughout the whole process. Video screenshot

Mr. Chen told reporters that he was calm and rational throughout the whole process. "He kept changing lanes and didn't stop. I was always patient and would not let the matter escalate. I maintained restraint."

Mr. Chen believes that this incident has a warning and educational significance. "We will encounter many such situations in life. We have all experienced them. We must remain calm and rational."

The reporter wanted to provide the BMW driver's contact information, but Mr. Chen did not want the incident to have any further impact. "The public security agency has told me that the matter has been handled, the other party has been punished, and my demands have been met."

Police investigation

BMW driver obstructed normal driving and was detained for 5 days in accordance with the law

On July 22, the reporter contacted the Donggang Police Station of the Zhongshan Branch of the Dalian Public Security Bureau. The police officer on duty replied: "The result has been announced. The police have notified us. This case was handled by our bureau. We are not in a position to disclose the details. If you need to know more, please contact the publicity department of our branch."

The reporter learned from the Dalian police that on July 17, when Song was driving and turning around on the road on the north side of Kaidan Plaza in Zhongshan District, he was dissatisfied with Mr. Chen for not letting him pass first, so he drove his car to cut him off several times and insulted him. Mr. Chen later called the police.

After receiving the report, the Donggang Police Station of the Zhongshan Public Security Bureau immediately launched an investigation. After investigation, it was found that Song had indeed obstructed the normal operation of vehicles. At present, the public security organ has imposed a 5-day administrative detention on Song in accordance with the law.

Source: Huashang Daily Dafeng News reporter Li Hua