
On the first day of the Han Kuang exercise, a Clouded Leopard armored vehicle collided with a civilian vehicle


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(Original title: Taiwan media: On the first day of the "Han Guang" exercise, the "Clouded Leopard" armored vehicle collided with a civilian vehicle, and the police investigated the cause of the accident)

[Global Times Report] According to reports from Taiwan media such as China Times on July 22, the Taiwan military's "Han Guang 40" live-fire exercise just began on the 22nd. At around 8 pm, a traffic accident occurred at the intersection of Lane 159, Section 2, Longmi Road, Bali District, New Taipei City. A white private car and an Army CM-34 "Clouded Leopard" armored vehicle collided on a dim downhill section. No one was injured.

The "Clouded Leopard" armored vehicle collided with a private passenger car in Bali District, New Taipei City on the 22nd. Photo from Taiwan's China Times News Network

According to reports, a 38-year-old woman surnamed Lin was driving a white vehicle along Longmi Road towards Wugu, and collided with a "Clouded Leopard" armored vehicle traveling in the same direction. It is reported that when the accident happened, due to the dim lighting on the road section, the driver of the armored vehicle did not notice the vehicle next to him, and accidentally collided with the vehicle when he dodged to the left to avoid a foreign object, causing damage to the right door and fender of the white vehicle.

After receiving the report, the New Taipei City Police Department's Luzhou Branch dispatched Longyuan Police Station and traffic squad to the scene to handle the situation and divert traffic. Both drivers were tested to be free of alcohol, and the detailed cause of the accident still needs to be clarified by further review of surveillance cameras.

The report said that the 6th Army Corps of the Taiwan Army said on the evening of the 22nd that an 8-wheeled armored vehicle of the 269th Brigade collided with a civilian car on the Longmi Road section of Bali District during an exercise, but no one was injured. The case is currently under investigation by the police, and related matters will be handled in accordance with the military vehicle insurance operation regulations. The 6th Army Corps said that it will order its subordinate units to strengthen the vigilance of officers and soldiers during the exercise, especially the safety risk control of driving on the road at night, to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

The Taiwan military's annual "Han Kuang 40" exercise began on July 22, with a five-day, four-night live-fire verification course. This year, the Taiwan Defense Department specifically declared that there would be "no spoilers," meaning that the exercise units did not know the details of the "questions" set by their superiors in advance.

Huang Jiezheng, associate professor of the Strategic Studies Department at Tamkang University in Taiwan, wrote that any war game or military exercise has a script, and this time it is just "scripted, no spoilers" to enhance the degree of simulation. He mentioned that in the past 40 years, whether it is a live-fire confrontation that is not open to the public or a firepower demonstration that invites "foreign embassy personnel" stationed in Taiwan and local gentry to visit, the "Han Guang" exercise has often been criticized as "acting rather than an exercise." Taiwan's China Times Electronic News reported that this year's "Han Guang" exercise cancelled the firepower demonstration course, but in fact, whether the "Han Guang" exercise has a firepower demonstration or not, it is a show.