
Huan Tang Zhi won the double Wuzhuang championship in the server war! Why can such a seemingly abstract lineup win the championship twice?


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The 142nd Heavenly Chosen Battle of "Fantasy Tang Chronicles" has come to an end. The double Wuzhuang lineup of Team Super Saint 1 has won another victory after the All-Star Championship, winning the double championship of this month's All-Star Qualifying Tournament and Heavenly Chosen Battle.

Winning the championship once is a coincidence, but winning two championships in a row cannot be entirely attributed to luck. Let us now study together how the Super Saint Team 1 won the championship twice in a row with this seemingly abstract lineup?

1. Use Spell Immunity

To play a lineup well, the most important thing is not to see its advantages but to see its biggest flaws, and to make up for this flaw through operations. The biggest disadvantage of the double-qi Wuzhuang + Wuliang + Tiance + Demon King lineup is that it is very afraid of lineups with high magic damage. Wuzhuang's seal hit rate is lower than other seal systems, and magic schools often use Elf Dance. If Wuzhuang is used to seal the magic system, it is often difficult to hit. There is no Putuo in the lineup to give Lingguan Sanjie, and the magic resistance is relatively low.

If you can't suppress the opponent's magic output correctly, it's easy to be overwhelmed. Fortunately, the double magic lineup is not popular now, and we mainly try to limit the performance of the opponent's only magic. The most important thing to note about Sun and Moon is that it will greatly reduce physical resistance. Therefore, when the opponent's physical output is sufficient, we should use Sun and Moon with caution.

(1) When a unit is at low health, if the opponent's physical unit is Wanshou, you can use two Wuzhuang, one to pull the Great Sword and the other to use the Sun and Moon. The Great Sword can block the fatal burst of Wanshou, while the Sun and Moon can block the subsequent spell damage. In the 9th round of the finals, the Chaofan Rusheng 1 team used this method to save Tiance. This method can also be applied to the operation of saving pets.

(2) When a character unit is low on health, Wuzhuang uses Sun and Moon together while directly using a medium-slow pet to block the health ring. Even if the opponent's magic system is slow enough, it will not be able to complete the guarding of the corpse, and our teammates can stand up again.

2. Close cooperation between Wuzhuang Wuliang

The combination of Wuzhuang and Wuliang in Super Team 1 is superb. Wuzhuang, Wuliang and Tiance are all very afraid of falling down when taken individually, but after forming a lineup, they can make use of various life-saving mechanisms and become completely fearless of death.

(1) Dragon Scale Blessing and Rejuvenation of All Things. The double Five Village lineup is more afraid of being killed by a group of magic. Dragon Scale Blessing combined with infinite Rejuvenation of All Things has a very high tactical value in terms of resisting face damage. This style of play does not necessarily require Five Village, but if it is replaced with other lineups, there is no such a strong need for the double Five Village lineup. In the 14th round of the server war finals, the Chaofan 1 team used this tactic to turn the balance of victory and turn from the disadvantaged side to the advantageous side.

(2) The combination of Wu Wu Jin Ji and the Great Sword. After using Wu Wu Jin Ji, you can be resurrected at the beginning of each round. The amount of health that can be resurrected is very limited, and it is easy to be attacked by the finishing skill. At this time, the Great Sword of Wu Zhuang can block a blow, which is of great value.

(3) When a character unit dies, Wuzhuang uses the Changsheng Jue to pull it up, and with the help of the infinite physical immunity, the target unit will be immune to both physical and magical immunities and will definitely not be guarded.

The seal of Wuzhuang in "Fantasy Tang Dynasty" is very weak, and this server war finals is no exception. If Wuzhuang can only play the seal, then this lineup is definitely at a disadvantage. The double Wuzhuang lineup needs to make good use of Wuzhuang's Sun and Moon, Changsheng Jue, Reversing Yin and Yang, and Transforming Qi into Swords. Don't forget to actively use Shengsheng Buxi to increase the hit rate of the seal while maintaining battery life. Only by doing these well can the advantages of Wuzhuang be brought into play.