
Breaking news: Beverage giant is coming to A-shares, and the stock price has reached the daily limit in advance! The scale will reach trillions of yuan, the water-saving industry is good, and low-valuation concept stocks are released


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By 2027, the scale of the water-saving industry will reach one trillion yuan.

Huiyuan Juice is coming to the A-share market!

On the evening of July 22,National WaterThe company announced that it intends to acquire the registered capital of Zhuji Wenshenghui held by Shanghai Yongrui by paying cash, which is no less than 232 million yuan, accounting for no less than 51% of the registered capital of the target company.It thus became the controlling shareholder of Zhuji Wenshenghui and the controlling shareholder of Beijing Huiyuan Food and Beverage Co., Ltd.This also indicates that Huiyuan Juice, a well-known domestic beverage giant, is coming to the A-share market!

According to data, Beijing Huiyuan was founded in the early 1990s and was once a well-known leading brand in the domestic beverage market. Later, affected by the economic environment, industry competition and credit crisis, Beijing Huiyuan fell into liquidity problems. In June 2022, Beijing Huiyuan obtained court approval for reorganization. Wensheng Asset, as a reorganization investor, injected 1.6 billion yuan in funds and acquired 60% of Beijing Huiyuan's controlling stake, successfully promoting the reorganization of the company.

In December of the same year, Guozhong Water acquired 31.481% of the equity of Zhuji Wenshenghui from Wensheng Assets for RMB 850 million, indirectly holding 18.89% of the shares of Beijing Huiyuan, and later increased its shareholding ratio to 21.89%.

It is worth mentioning that on July 22, Guozhong Water’s stock price closed at the upper limit of 1.71 yuan per share.

In recent years, the operating performance of Guozhong Water has been declining. Compared with the peak revenue of more than 700 million yuan in 2014, the company's revenue in 2023 was only more than 200 million yuan, and its net profit attributable to the parent company has been in the red for consecutive years. The company's stock price once fell to 1.3 yuan per share in June, sounding the alarm for delisting.

Great news for water-saving industry

On July 22, the National Development and Reform Commission and five other departments issued theGuiding Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Water-Saving Industry” (hereinafter referred to as the “Opinion”),It is proposed that by 2027, the scale of water-saving industry will reach one trillion, cultivate and form a group of "specialized, precise and innovative" small giant enterprises, and initially establish a water-saving industry development pattern with enterprises as the main body, market as the orientation, innovation as the driving force, and the combination of production, education, research and application.By 2035, a group of leading enterprises with a market value of 10 billion yuan will be cultivated, water-saving technology and processes, product equipment manufacturing, and management services have reached the world's advanced level, and a water-saving production and lifestyle has been fully formed.

The Opinions also proposed 15 measures in six aspects, including stimulating the development of water-saving industry, strengthening the supply of water-saving products and equipment, and innovating water-saving management and service models. Through these measures, the Opinions aims to promote large-scale water-saving equipment renewal and the replacement of old consumer goods with new ones, accelerate the elimination of backward water-using products and equipment, thereby improving the efficiency of water resource utilization and promoting sustainable development.

At present, my country's water-saving industry has begun to take shape, covering areas such as agricultural water-saving irrigation, industrial wastewater treatment, domestic water-saving appliances, pipeline leakage control, sewage recycling, seawater desalination, and smart water-saving. It has basically formed a complete industrial chain from R&D design, product and equipment manufacturing to engineering construction and service management.

According to data from the Forward-looking Industry Research Institute, from 2016 to 2023, the national water consumption per 10,000 yuan of GDP and per 10,000 yuan of industrial added value will show an overall downward trend, which means that the country's water-saving actions have achieved remarkable results in recent years, and water use efficiency and benefits have been improved.

In recent years, the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the National Development and Reform Commission and other national departments have continuously issued water-related support and guidance policies around the theme of "water conservation". The "Water Conservation Regulations" were officially implemented on May 1 this year. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the country will comprehensively promote the construction of smart water affairs and promote water affairs informatization to a new stage of intelligence.

As my country's dual carbon goals continue to advance, with the support of large-scale equipment upgrades and consumer product trade-in policies, many companies have increased their product layout in the field of water and energy conservation.

Dayu Water SavingIt is a leading enterprise in the agricultural and water industry, with integrated capabilities in project planning and design, investment and financing, product manufacturing, engineering construction, information intelligence, and operation and maintenance.

Shandong drumOn the investor interaction platform, it was stated that the company's high-efficiency centrifugal fans, vacuum pumps and other products have performed outstandingly in improving energy efficiency and reducing energy consumption. In the future, the company will continue to increase its investment and R&D efforts in energy conservation and water conservation, environmental protection, and intelligent transformation.

BiChuang TechnologyIts intelligent temperature and vibration series sensors, pressure sensors, equipment status monitoring systems and other products belong to the application category of "data collection, data transmission, and data analysis" for energy saving and water saving. It also stated that it will actively pay attention to the implementation of relevant policies and seize development opportunities.

also,Xinjiang Tianye, Runnong Water Saving, Guotong SharesAnd other companies have water-saving equipment production layout.

More than half of water-saving concept stocks have a P/E ratio of less than 30 times

At present, the water-saving industry is developing well and has basically formed a complete industrial chain from R&D design, product and equipment manufacturing to engineering construction and service management.

According to statistics from Securities Times Databao, there are many listed companies in the A-share market that have invested in the water-saving industry.

Concept stocks are generally undervalued, with more than half having rolling price-to-earnings ratios below 30 times.Chuangye Environmental Protection, Energy Saving Guozhen, Liantai Environmental Protection, Zhongchi Shares, Zhongyuan Environmental ProtectionThe rolling P/E ratio is below 10 times. Zhongyuan Environmental Protection's rolling P/E ratio is less than 7 times, ranking the lowest. In the first quarter of this year, Zhongyuan Environmental Protection achieved a net profit of 418 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 50.34%.

According to the semi-annual performance forecast this year,Delinhai, Greentown Water, Shanghai Xiba, Tianyuan Environmental ProtectionGood news. Delinhai is expected to turn losses into profits. At the end of the first half of the year, the company's orders totaled 637 million yuan, an increase of about 23.2% over the same period last year. Greentown Water's main business water sales and sewage treatment volume increased year-on-year, and it is expected to achieve a net profit of 65 million to 75 million yuan, an increase of 82.67% to 110.77% year-on-year.

According to the consensus forecasts of more than two institutions, there are only three concept stocks with net profit growth rates exceeding 20% ​​in both 2024 and 2025, namelyLude Environment, Jinke Environment, Tianyuan Environmental ProtectionAmong them, Luther Environment predicts that the average net profit growth rate for this year and next year will be 96.8%, and the net profit growth rate in 2024 is expected to exceed 125%.

Statement: All information content of Databao does not constitute investment advice. The stock market is risky and investment should be cautious.

Editor: Lin Lifeng

Proofreading: Yang Lilin

Data treasure