
Using clay animation to reveal the scenery of Shanghai, Liao Xinzhong's AI creation journey


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Summary:AI presents a different Shanghai in the minds of different people.

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, the field of artistic creation has ushered in a major change. Domestic models represented by Vidu, Keling AI, and Jimeng AI have not only achieved breakthroughs in technology, but also demonstrated unique advantages in simulating the real physical world and understanding cultural elements. Writer Liao Xinzhong is a practitioner of this change.

Recently, Liao Xinzhong used AI technology as a medium to create a unique Shanghai landscape film, using clay animation to depict cute versions of many famous attractions in Shanghai, including the Bund, Suzhou River, Lujiazui Three-piece Set, Wukang Building, Jing'an Temple, etc. He shared his thoughts on Shanghai, technology and art with the reporter of Shanghai View.

"Compared to other cities, everyone here can live the way they want," Liao Xinzhong commented on Shanghai. He asked, is there a new perspective to show the different customs here? He found inspiration from old photos of Shanghai. At first, he just wanted to make still photos move, and slowly found that clay animation can better convey the unique charm of Shanghai. "Look at Shanghai from a different angle, Shanghai can also be very cute," Liao Xinzhong said: "Shanghai's appearance is not just about the majestic aerial shots or high-rise buildings, there are many aspects, and it can be expressed through various new technologies."

During the creation process, Liao Xinzhong used Kuaishou's "KeLing" image-generating video function to generate animations from clay-style Shanghai pictures. "I prepared more materials than what you see now, and I have deleted some of them. I want to choose photos that can still be seen from Shanghai after they are transformed into clay-style, from large to small, and interspersed with some small details of life." Although Liao Xinzhong modestly stated that the production process does not require much technical content, in fact, from conception to the final product, a lot of time and energy was invested to ensure the quality of the work and the communication of creativity.

Talking about the impact of artificial intelligence on artistic creation, Liao Xinzhong emphasized the leading role of people in using AI technology: "AI generation still requires a script. If the description is not accurate, it is impossible to generate good results. AI is just a tool. It still depends on the user behind it." However, he did not hide the shock that AI brought him. "During the generation process, only simple action words were given, and the characters in it even automatically had emotional reactions, which surprised me."

As technology continues to advance, AI will become a powerful assistant to artists in the future, and the public will also have more novel and diverse art experiences. We look forward to AI presenting a different Shanghai in the minds of different people.