
Fantasy Westward Journey: The first person with 69 experience points, 100 billion experience points, 170,000 contributions, and 6 pieces of equipment without any level!


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Hello everyone, I am Haozi!
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The following comments represent only personal opinions and do not represent the official or platform position.
Getting 100 billion experience points should be the goal of many players! As time goes by, there are more and more players with 100 billion experience points! However, relatively speaking, most of them are high-level players, because higher-level players will get more experience points when completing tasks, so it is easier to get 100 billion experience points! Haozi once showed everyone a level 109 account that had 100 billion experience points, which amazed many players at the time! And the account that Haozi is going to show you today will subvert everyone's cognition again! Although his level is only 69, he has already earned 100 billion experience points! The key is that his hardware is also very strong. All 6 pieces of equipment on his body are levelless, and the key is that he also has the Rage 3 stunt! What kind of account is it? Without further ado, let's start showing it!

The first person to reach level 69 in experience, with 100 billion experience points and 170,000 contributions, and 6 pieces of levelless equipment!

The number is the 69th level Hades. As you can see in the equipment column, all of them are levelless equipment! The most amazing thing is his title, because only when the total experience reaches 100 billion can you get this title! The gate tribute is as high as 174,000, violent!

Not long ago, he had already earned 100 billion experience points, which was something that ordinary players couldn't even think about because it was too difficult! Compared to level 175, it took at least twice as much effort!

Level 130 male head of the cat spirit suit with stagnation spell, forged with 17 moonstones!

A level 130 cat spirit necklace with armor-breaking skill, with an initial spirit of 202 after smelting, and a 17-forged relic!

Level 140 non-level cat spirit armor set, with 50 more endurance and stamina after smelting, and it has been forged with 17-forged moonstone!

Level 130 cat spirit shoes with a hidden dagger behind a smile, level-free, with 17 forged black gems!

Level 100 Angry Levelless Cat Spirit Belt, with 17 forged black gems!

A level 140 divine weapon with no level limit and no grinding required, which adds 35 strength and has 15 levels of forged red agate. It is a weapon that can be used in tasks and PK, and can be used in the underworld!

The lower row of the ring has two seals and one speed, the lower row of the earrings has three seals, there are two sets of accessories and bracelets, both are super simple at level 80, and there is a set of special effects at level 8 for fast movement!

The 8-skill Legacy enters the Violent Xumi Bubble and is blessed with 3 super skills. It is a rare personalized pet!

13 skills Dragon Soul Xumi Flower Bell, the second page is the certified ancient spiritual talisman single method, which is equivalent to 4 special magic pets!

The Crab General with 12 skills of divine horsepower and barrier-breaking ability is a unique pet with very good growth qualifications!

13 skills of Jingtai Shenma, death magic defense, speed and blood pet Thunderbird, blessed with 3 super skills!

The 11th skill is the Sumeru Dragon Soul Bubble, the magic power is very extreme, but unfortunately the growth is a bit low!

10 high skills, Cang Luan's furious attack on the full-strength gambler, very good growth qualifications, a very tempting baby!

The 10-skill Jingtai Shenma Thunderbird has a very good speed qualification and is also blessed with 3 super skills!

12 skills, death magic defense, pure platform, blood pet, thunderbird, the top speed blood pet!

12 skills of Jingtai Shenmali strikes the thunderbird man!

8 skills of unexpected dragon swimming in Xumi dragon carp, 3 special Xumi pets, the output is very violent!

With 16 skills, Cangluan angrily attacks the One-horned Ghost King. It is another super unique pet!

14 skills: Shenmali can split the barrier of Moon Shadow Fairy!

Well, this level 69 Hades has been shown. It is no exaggeration to say that he is the first level 69 player, because this is the only level 69 player I have seen who has earned 100 billion experience points! While having such a high experience point, he also has many levelless equipment and a unique pet that is very tempting! He has both good looks and strength. Do you like this account?