
Fantasy Westward Journey: Server 175 fought against Datang, brought the first artifact in 3 years, and got the fourth title in the whole server!


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Hello everyone, I am Haozi!
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The following comments represent only personal opinions and do not represent the official or platform position.
Relatively speaking, servers that have been open for a long time are easier to get results than newly opened servers! Especially in the current Martial God Arena and the Heroes, there are many strong servers, and the hardware gap between the servers is not too big, so the competition pressure is still very high! As for the new area, the old area has more hardware advantages, so it is still difficult for players in the new area to get results in large-scale competitions! In this article, Haozi will bring you a player from the new area, and he relied on super hardware to get the fourth place in the Tianyuan Heroes server. It can be said that he earned enough face for the new area! What kind of hardware does he have? Let's take a look!

In the 175th server battle in Datang, he brought the highest damage artifact in 3 years and got the fourth title in the whole server!

The account is a level 175 Datang Officialdom, from Beijing District 2 - One Life, and it has been just two years since the server was launched, and it has achieved the fourth place in the Tianyuan Heroes server, which is not easy!

Level 160 male head with the Flower Rain suit and beast power, made of 16-forged red agate!

Level 160 necklace with Crystal Clear Art and Rain of Flowers set, the initial spirit is 242 after smelting, and it has 15 forged relics!

Level 160 Mantianhuayu set of armor, with a double increase of 65 agility and strength after smelting, and 16 forged light stones!

Level 160 shoes with blood-breaking and crazy attack, and 16-forged black gems!

Level 160 Furious Rain of Flowers belt, with 16 forged black gems!

A level 160 artifact that deals 1,000 damages. It adds 35 strengths after smelting and has level 16 forged red agate. It is said to be the weapon with the highest damage on the server in the past 3 years!

The lower row of the ring has double damage and one speed, the lower row of the earrings has three damages, the lower row of accessories has double defense and one health, and the lower row of the bracelet has three defenses. All of them are forged with 11-forged starlight stones, and the special effect is level 8, as fast as a rocket!

The 8th skill Xumi observes everything and listens attentively, and is blessed with 3 super skills, and the aptitude growth is very good!

The 13-skill Shenma Good and Evil Boy has a plus in attack quality and very good attributes!

Miaohua Tiannv with 10 skills, high continuous hidden attack, 1.3 full growth, fast speed, high attack, and lots of blood!

A 9-skill death magic defense pure blood pet boy, blessed with 3 super skills, and a suit with high counter-shock!

11 skills of the Pure Platform Good and Evil Boy. This boy’s growth aptitude is a little poor and needs to be raised!

The Good and Evil Boy with 13 skills, this one has very good growth qualifications and is blessed with 3 super skills!

7 skills, magic defense, clean blood pet boy!

8th skill: Xumi observes everything and listens attentively!

The last page-turning, pure platform, barrier, demonized boy!
Well, this 175-level Datang has been displayed. The hardware is definitely at the server war level. In such a major event, it is a great honor for the server to get the fourth place in the server. It is not easy! I hope their server will get better and better in future competitions and win the championship soon!