
How difficult is the financial situation of Inazuma in "Genshin Impact"? Taxes have been greatly reduced, but expenses have continued to increase


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In the last issue, when I was talking about Liyue, I said that Liyue’s financial problems were the best. After all, it had the right to issue currency and had abundant other tax revenues, which made Liyue’s social governance and welfare benefits very good. Therefore, in comparison, Inazuma’s problems were much more serious. If I were to describe Inazuma in one sentence, it would be the social contradictions caused by the financial crisis. The reason why the resistance army emerged in the play was, in the final analysis, a series of problems caused by Inazuma’s financial problems.

How to say it? The financial income situation of Inazuma is somewhat similar to that of Liyue, but the problem is that the main contradiction in Liyue is the transfer of power, while the problem of Inazuma is that the financial shortage has triggered a series of crises. Many players who play Inazuma can feel that the business environment in Inazuma is very bad. Even the low-level officials are plundering the merchants. In fact, the reason for the bad business environment is that Inazuma’s financial problems cannot be solved.

There are only two reasons for Inazuma's financial difficulties. One is the isolation of the country and the other is the civil war. Let's first talk about how the isolation of the country affects the economy. In the play, Inazuma's General Raiden ordered the entire Inazuma to block the ports with a single order, which is a isolation order. The result of the isolation order is that the entire Inazuma cannot get external resource support. Inazuma itself is an island country. When various materials are already scarce, it is still isolated, which will naturally lead to a decrease in Inazuma's fiscal revenue.

Some people would think that even if Inazuma's finances became less, it wouldn't have much of an impact. Yes, that's true, but the problem is that after Inazuma's finances became less, its expenses didn't decrease at all. On the contrary, they increased a lot. Rebel forces emerged within Inazuma, and the magistrate's army had to spend military expenses to suppress them. This made Inazuma's finances even more difficult, which in turn affected the entire Inazuma situation.

The most important thing is that Inazuma has the support of General Raiden, a genius in governing the country. Many people would say that Mondstadt next door is also facing financial difficulties due to the expedition of troops. But the problem is that the source of financial tax revenue for Mondstadt has not decreased. General Raiden of Inazuma is a genius in governing the country. Even the professor of economics shook his head when he saw what she did. Therefore, if you want to solve Inazuma's problem, it is not a simple matter of one or two steps. General Raiden needs to solve the financial problem.

But what makes Inazuma stronger here is General Raiden's previous outrageous operations, as well as Inazuma's previous business environment and many other problems. However, it seems that apart from the financial problems of Narukami Island, other places of Inazuma will not receive financial support from Inazuma. The Inazuma government cannot collect taxes in the area where the rebels are located next door, and naturally does not need to care about their lives. From this point of view, Inazuma's problems are not particularly big. Anyway, except for the main urban area, other places are not important, and naturally do not require much financial expenditure.