
He was the calligraphy enlightenment teacher of the Four Great Calligraphers of the Song Dynasty, and his technique was refined!


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As we all know,

The four great calligraphers of the Song Dynasty are:

Cai Xiang, Su Shi, Huang Tingjian, Mi Fu,

Among them, Cai Xiang is the oldest and Mi Fu is the youngest.

The two are 39 years apart in age.

However, these four calligraphers of different ages and styles,

They both had the same calligraphy teacher.

What kind of teacher is he?

Who has the ability to teach four students who have gone down in history?

The following is a postscript to Wang Zhu's Thousand Characters in Cursive Script.

This is the representative work of this teacher.

How is it? Is it capital tacky?

It can be said that this kind of running script technique is sophisticated.

It originated from the Tang Dynasty sutra writing style and tends to be sweet and vulgar.

Such sweet and cheesy words,

He was the common teacher of the four families of Song Dynasty.

Written by Zhou Yue in the Northern Song Dynasty.

Zhou Yuexiang

Zhou Yue is good at all styles of calligraphy.

The most popular one is the cursive script.

His calligraphy inherited the Tang Dynasty style.

Although it is sweet and vulgar,

Although the technique is refined,

"Collect the books of ancient and modern people and their changes in style",

It had a huge influence on the Four Masters of Song Dynasty.

Postscript to Huaisu's Letter to Lu Gong by Zhou Yue (Song Dynasty)

Bian Yongyu said in his Shigutang Calligraphy and Painting Collection:

"Jun Mo began to learn Zhou and Yue calligraphy.

Its variant comes from Yan Pingyuan. "

The "Jun Mo" here,

That is Cai Xiang.

Su Shi once wrote a poem:

"Cursive writing is not just for self-entertainment,

As soon as I put pen to paper I called Zhou Yuenu. "

He emphasized the influence of Zhou Yue's cursive script on him.

(Song Dynasty) Zhou Yue's "Congratulations to the Secret Supervisor" (1)

Huang Tingjian said:

"I have studied cursive script for more than 30 years.

At first, Zhou Yue was his teacher. "

The use of brushstrokes is full of twists and turns.

It was obtained from Zhou Yue.

A Qing Dynasty scholar once said:

"Huang Shangu studied the "Inscription on the Buried Crane"

His brushwork is inspired by Zhou Zifa, so his writing is vigorous and powerful.

Mi Fu was very far away from Zhou and Yue.

But since childhood, he has been learning Zhou Yue's calligraphy.

He said:

"When I was ten years old, I wrote inscriptions on the stele.

Study Zhou Yue and Su Zimei's calligraphy,

Become a family of your own. "

(Song Dynasty) Zhou Yue's "Congratulations to the Secret Supervisor" (2)

Although Zhou Yue's own calligraphy did not establish a new school,

Reach a very high level.

But Zhou Yue adhered to the ancient method.

It had a positive influence on a large number of calligraphers represented by the Four Masters of Song Dynasty.

It played a huge role in promoting the development of calligraphy in the Song Dynasty.

Such teachers deserve to be remembered by the world!

(Song Dynasty) Zhou Yue's "Congratulations to the Secret Supervisor" (3)

(Song Dynasty) Zhou Yue's "Congratulations to the Secret Supervisor" (4)

(Song Dynasty) Zhou Yue's "Congratulations to the Secret Supervisor" (5)

(Song Dynasty) Zhou Yue's "Congratulations to the Secret Supervisor" (6)

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