
Born a bad seed? Will it interfere with the mother's psychology in the womb? You can worry about super males, but don't be too outrageous


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"Super male" was not a popular term in the past, but a fetus in Sichuan was found to have mosaic super male syndrome in the hospital these days, which attracted the attention of netizens and made "super male" a popular term. The latest news report said that the family had decided to terminate the pregnancy.

We have to respect the decision of the pregnant woman and her family in the news, but regarding super male babies, I feel that some discussions on the Internet have gone a bit off track. For example, some people who carry super male babies are born bad seeds, and if a super male fetus is found, it must be aborted, and it will definitely be a disaster if it is born, etc. There is nothing wrong with worrying about super male babies, but these statements are a bit "overdoing it."

1. Are super males born bad? Science has long said so

As superheroes are often associated with violence and crime, they are actually a field of concern for criminal psychology. So, with so much talk in the news, are superheroes born bad? The answer is definitely no.

Nearly a hundred years ago, Europe had already begun discussing born criminals, and research has found that humans do not have a criminal gene. Therefore, even if there are chromosomal abnormalities, such as super males, it only indicates that under certain conditions, this group of people may have a higher probability of "abnormal behavior", such as low self-control and emotionality, but this does not mean that they are born to commit crimes. Whether it is super males or super females, it is a question of the difficulty of raising them.

Of course, it is understandable that many netizens do not recommend giving birth to super-male children. After all, in the face of greater uncertainty, people have a potential consciousness to avoid risks.

2. Will a super-male fetus affect the mother's psychology in the womb? Don't demonize it

In an earlier discussion, I also saw a rather shocking topic, saying that a super-male fetus in the womb might affect the mother's psychology, prompting the mother to protect herself and not have an abortion.

This question blurs the basic concept of psychology. The physiological factors that affect an individual's psychology can only be the individual's own. The changes in the mother's psychological state during pregnancy are her own.hormoneThe changes in levels are not caused by the chromosomes of the fetus.

Moreover, according to the prevailing standards, an embryo cannot be called a "person" before it is born. Therefore, some self-media headlines say that the chimeric super-male fetus in Sichuan "ate its twin brother". I think this statement is too sensational. There should be a more reasonable medical explanation. I suggest that experts who understand this field can talk about it. In short, as the family members and some media in this incident in Sichuan said, "Don't demonize super-male syndrome."

3. Superheroes have nothing to do with violent crime? Not really.

One issue that cannot be avoided is that, according to current research, there is still a relationship between super-males and violent crime. Although there are relatively few super-male babies born, as mentioned earlier, under the same stimulation, super-male children have special characteristics in terms of emotions, control, compliance and understanding, which will show a higher probability of violence, especially for some juvenile crimes, the impact is greater than that of adults.

The most direct manifestation is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This will bring many problems, such as restlessness, difficulty in discipline, weak ability to control behavior, and may be accompanied by some more direct aggressive behaviors. Secondly, there may be behavioral disorders. If they are not properly corrected before puberty, they may develop antisocial personality disorders in adulthood. This is one of the points we are most concerned about with super male syndrome.

But then again, this association has nothing to do with being born bad or having evil genes. The reason why we are so concerned about super boys today is mainly because these children have a higher probability of committing certain violent crimes when they grow up, but this is not a 100% sure thing.

Because all behavioral disorders and attention deficit disorders can be corrected. Since they can be corrected, it is impossible to say that this type of individuals are born bad. If they are labeled as committing crimes too early, this group will be subjected to great negative evaluation and social pressure, which is tantamount to pushing them into the abyss of accelerating crime.

We do not deny that there are indeed some factors that will indirectly affect the incidence of violent crimes. However, any genetic influence can be prevented and reversed through some means in the future. I hope everyone can look at the issue of the super-male fetus in Sichuan rationally.