
Even perverts find this movie too crazy and exciting.


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A real estate agent uses his position to constantly snoop into his clients' homes to satisfy his unspeakable quirks.

But when he extended his claws to a "net celebrity" who looked gorgeous, things took an unexpected turn...

Fight violence with violenceThere are many cool movies, and "Fight madness with madness"It's really a rare and hard-to-find movie.

Everyone is a villain, and the plot is constantly changing. Let's watch this new Korean movie with a good reputation——

She's dead

she died

Male protagonistGu Zhengtai(Bian Yuehan), is a leading real estate agency in the industry.

He is friendly, thoughtful and attentive, and is favored by both landlords and tenants.

The only shortcoming of this person is that he cannot control himself.Voyeurism

However, Zhengtai is a "thief with a code of conduct". Every time he sneaks into a client's residence, he really just wants to take a look.

Finally, he would take away an unnecessary item in the house as the final climax of the "ritual".

The warehouse full of spoils is the glorious mark of CHINT’s journey over the years.

Generally speaking, Jungtae doesn't choose who he peeps out to, but is enthusiastic towards all kinds of strangers without distinction.

But 5 months ago, or 142 days ago to be exact, a man namedHan So-ra(Shin Hye-sun)'s internet celebrity completely broke Jungtae's principles.

On that fateful day, Jung Tae met Sul-ra at a convenience store.

Perhaps because the girl was so beautiful, Jung Tae couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

I happened to see her eating grilled sausage and uploading a photo of a vegetarian salad to her Moments.

Such a hypocritical behavior touched Zhengtai's heart, and he quickly began a series of tracking and investigations.

Internet celebrities are worthy of being internet celebrities. Even Jung Tae-hyun is ashamed of himself when it comes to shaping their personalities.

At the beginning, Sura was a materialistic socialite, posting pictures of her bags and delicacies every day.

When that didn’t work, she turned into an environmentalist.

Start sharing your vegetarian experience and rescuing stray cats and dogs.

Zhengtai, who continued to follow, soon discovered the secret.

The cats and dogs that Sura adopted were basically all in, but not out. She probably destroyed them after gaining traffic and donations...

Jung-tae became more and more itchy and eager to see what Sura's private space looked like.

Unfortunately, the other party had a lot of experience in living alone, and Zhengtai tried his best but still failed to break into her door.

As the saying goes, no matter how hard you try, you will find it.

Now, 142 days after Jung-tae fell into obsession, the woman he had been thinking about, Sura, actually came to him on her own initiative.

The girl said that she wanted to rent a new apartment because of a change in her job.

Jung-tae knew full well that she was lying, but he still agreed and happily put her room card in his pocket.

Next comes the much-anticipated infiltration phase.

Sura's room was ordinary, and Jung-tae just looked around casually as usual.

Who would have thought that when he sneaked in for the second time, Jung Tae saw something incredible——

Sura was stabbed several times and was covered in blood.Tragic DeathOn the sofa...

Zhengtai didn't dare to call the police directly, so he had an idea to ask a pair of tenants to look at the house so that they could become the first witnesses at the crime scene.

But something even weirder happened -

Within just one hour, Sura's body disappeared, and the bloodstains on the floor and sofa also disappeared...

Jung-tae reasonably speculated that the murderer was hiding in the house when he found the body, and hurriedly cleaned up the scene after he left for the first time.

In this way, Jung-tae, who accidentally discovered the secret, will inevitably become the murderer's next target.

Sure enough, the next day he received a red envelope containing Sul-ra's body and photos of Jung-tae's infiltration.

Immediately afterwards, Jung Tae was nearly hit and killed by an out-of-control truck in the parking lot.

The perpetrator who had enjoyed spying on others for years now became the victim of being spied on.

Of course, Jung-tae would not sit still and wait for death. He quickly cheered up and used his "expertise" to investigate the truth of the matter.

From the perspective of the motive for the murder, he identified two suspects.

One is the little internet celebrity who diss So-Ra every day but imitates her everywhereWhistle

The second is a pervert who is fanatically pursuing Sura.Private fans

Zhengtai found Shaoer's residence based on the online traces and sneaked in.

They actually found the same envelope as the previous threatening letter, as well as the chat records of Shaoer secretly communicating with the sasaeng fans.

When Jung-tae returned home, two masked men had been waiting for him for a long time and knocked him to the ground without saying a word.

Fortunately, the two men were small in stature, and Jung-tae was able to escape after a struggle.

He rushed to the local police station and told part of the truth to the man he had met once.Female detective

But what Jung-tae didn't know was that the police had already opened a case against Sulala, but the case was not for murder but for disappearance.

Because a few days ago, Shaoer, who claimed to be Sura's best friend, came to the police station in person to report Sura's loss of contact.

The female detective did not comment on Jung Tae's statement and decided to go to his apartment to investigate first.

What no one expected was that one of the two masked men, the fanatical illegitimate fan, was hanged in the middle of Jung Tae's living room.

In the red envelope at the feet of the corpse, there were photos of Jung-tae sneaking into Sul-ra's room, as well as photos of Jung-tae and his sasaeng fans.

The evidence was irrefutable, and the female detective had to make a reasonable guess.

Jung-tae first conspired with the sasaeng fans to kidnap Sul-ra, and then killed the sasaeng fans to silence them because of internal conflicts.

Although Jung Tae could tell at a glance that the group photo was faked by Photoshop, it was too late for him to explain.

He could only take the risk of shaking off the female detective and running away, hoping to find the real murderer before the police.

However, the complexity of the matter was far beyond his imagination...

Perverted crime films are the strong point of Korean films, and with the constant reversal of suspense, "She's Dead" is absolutely first-rate in terms of watchability.

Even strict Douban users have said that this film is better than"Silent Killing"It looks good and will definitely be remade by domestic directors~

So, today’s content is divided intoPart 1 and Part 2

Friends who are interested can go and watch the movie directly.

Of course, Xiejun also prepared a new accountText version spoilers, for those who don’t have time (too lazy) to watch the movie, it will be released later~