
The "cute but fierce rabbit police officer" by the West Lake in Hangzhou has become popular but has not been transferred from the frontline post


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Yesterday at noon, the temperature in Hangzhou reached 39 degrees Celsius, and there was heavy traffic and crowds at the intersection of Beishan Street and Shuguang Road.

Two traffic police were directing traffic at the intersection. One of the male traffic police had sweat all over his back. I asked him how long he had been standing at the intersection, and he smiled. "This is our job. If we don't stand there, who will direct traffic?"

At around 1 p.m., policewoman Li Yuwei arrived on a motorcycle to assist her colleagues on duty at the intersection.

Policewoman Li Yuwei riding a motorcycle

On the Internet, the name "Li Yuwei" is far less famous than "Rabbit Police Officer".A short video of her pursing her lips and playfully pointing her finger forward left a deep impression on many netizens. Later, another video of more than ten seconds became even more popular.

Near the broken bridge of Beishan Street, Li Yuwei repeatedly reminded a driver, "Turn around on the solid line, turn around on the solid line," and "What's the use of you telling me you're sorry? You've delayed so many cars like this..." She frowned and shouted to a car in front, "Let's go."

Li Yuwei stood in front of the car and scolded the driver

Many netizens were amused by her serious yet cute tone and appearance."Cute and fierce" and "Rabbit Police Officer" spread quickly.

"Rabbit Police Officer" Judy is the heroine of the Disney animated film "Zootopia". She is soft, cute, honest and kind. She is determined to be a police officer who upholds justice. Judy works hard and never gives in when faced with numerous obstacles. Later, she finally realizes her dream.

Li Yuwei directs traffic

Under the blazing sun, an auntie was riding a bicycle with a box of popsicles, selling them along the road. When Li Yuwei saw her, she asked the auntie to stop immediately, "Auntie, it's so hot, don't sell popsicles along the road, it's not safe."

The aunt felt embarrassed, smiled, and turned around on her bike. She looked at Li Yuwei and said:"Little girls, you are standing on the road in such a hot weather. Let me give you some popsicles."

Li Yuwei and her colleagues smiled and waved their hands, signaling the aunt to ride away quickly.

The rear window of a private car rolled down, and the woman in the car pointed her cell phone at Li Yuwei:"Are you Li Yuwei? I finally see you!"

Li Yuwei smiled at the woman and waved to signal the car to leave as soon as possible.

Li Yuwei stood in the traffic flow directing traffic

A woman passed by the intersection and asked how to get to Hupao. Li Yuwei patiently showed her the way and added, "It's too hot now. I suggest you come at night next time when it will be a little cooler."

Another traffic policeman said that the traffic volume on Shuguang Road and Beishan Street is relatively large, and in addition to directing traffic, it is also important to provide good road services when working at the intersection.

"There are many pedestrians who come to ask for directions. Many people from other places come here with tour groups. We often encounter people who are separated. We have to patiently provide guidance and service."

Li Yuwei is on duty at Lingyin Road

At 2:40 p.m., Li Yuwei returned to Shuguang Road from patrol. As soon as the car stopped, he received another order and immediately rushed to the vicinity of Yugu Road and Lingyin Road.

Are you busy running around like this every day?

Li Yuwei smiled and said that this was her job and she would go to the scene to handle it upon receiving the order.

There were rumors online a few days ago. Some people were saying that they hadn’t seen “Rabbit Police Officer” for a long time. Was he transferred from the front-line position?

What I saw with my own eyes yesterday also proved that the rumors were false.

Li Yuwei smiling on a motorcycle

Born in 1998, this authentic Hangzhou girl currently works in the Lingyin Traffic Police Squadron. The Lingyin Squadron's jurisdiction extends from Lingyin to the east to the vicinity of Beishan Street. Li Yuwei works at a different location every day, and she has to rush to work as soon as she receives an order.

There are many TPTU members like Li Yuwei in the Hangzhou traffic police force. They stand guard at the city's main traffic arteries under the scorching sun in midsummer and wearing helmets in the hot summer.

The first person to shoot the video of "Rabbit Police Officer" Li Yuwei was Mr. Wang, the blogger of "Hangzhou Street Photography".

On February 13 this year, Teacher Wang was strolling near the Children's Palace on Beishan Street and saw a female traffic police officer directing traffic. She was very friendly to passers-by, especially to children, and always responded with a sweet smile.

Li Yuwei greets the driver

"It was the Spring Festival, and there were a lot of people and vehicles. The policewoman was very patient and conscientious in directing traffic on the zebra crossing, asking vehicles to stop and give way, asking pedestrians to walk faster, and directing everyone to give way to pedestrians and vice versa... Such a pretty girl, with skillful hand gestures, worked seriously and kindly, and gave a friendly smile to my camera, which left a very good impression on me.

"Later I learned that her name was Li Yuwei. After the video was released, many netizens liked it, and many provincial and domestic media also reposted the video I shot. Many people have a more intimate feeling towards Hangzhou traffic police."

Later, Teacher Wang met Li Yuwei on duty on the road many times, and many pictures of Li Yuwei appeared in his short video account "Hangzhou Street Photography".

Some people on the Internet asked if these videos were staged. Teacher Wang said,All the videos I shot are real pictures of Li Yuwei’s daily work.

"She used to be a teacher. Once I asked her why she chose to be a traffic police officer. She said she had great respect for traffic police officers and liked the uniform very much, so she applied for the exam. Her family, especially her mother and grandparents, gave her great support.

Li Yuwei Mobile Road Sign

"What impressed me even more was her kindness. Not only did she carefully direct traffic, she was also very friendly to passers-by, drivers, and even us photographers, as long as it did not affect traffic and her work.

"I think there should be more people like Li Yuwei around us who get along with the people, enforce the law seriously and strictly, have a kind and lovely image, and treat people kindly. These are what society needs."

Dong Luping, reporter of Chengshi Interactive and Metropolis Express

Photo by Chen Zhongqiu

Edited by Liang Beirong

Reviewed by Zhang Qian and Wang Chenyu