
Bada Shanren's paintings of lotus and waterfowl are free and unrestrained


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Bada Shanren's lotus painting is purely based on brush and ink. Behind his simple brush and ink and form, he leaves people with infinite aesthetic space. Before Bada, there was no Bada. After Bada, countless people followed Bada. Thus, the world-famous Daqian lotus was created, with its elegant and dripping lotus stems and splashed ink lotus leaves.

Perhaps, you will also recall the artistic conception of the lotus pond in the moonlight created by Mr. Zhu Ziqing's famous prose "Moonlight over the Lotus Pond": tranquil as a dream. In such a lotus pond, "you can think about anything or nothing, and you will feel like a free person." There is no world outside, and I am myself inside. I am completely immersed in a world of lotus fragrance that has frozen in time, relaxed and peaceful.

As the ancients said, "Words are precious as gold".

It is also said that "a little is better than a lot".

Perhaps only Badashan people have truly achieved this.

Bada's paintings,

What comes to mind is the sadness of the bronze camel and the indignation at the world.

When he painted landscapes, he often painted with withered mountains and rivers, cold and desolate land;

When he painted trees, the branches were often dry and bare, and the trees were crooked and tilted.

He painted fish and birds, and the fish had human eyes with their eyeballs turned upside down.

An expression of "rolling eyes to the sky and observing the world with cold eyes";

The lotus he described was rootless and had a lonely life.

Lotus is Bada Shanren's most proud painting subject. He loves lotus, dreams of lotus, chants lotus, writes about lotus, and paints lotus. Lotus is an important part of his artistic life. Bada Shanren's ink lotus art is unique in ancient and modern times. It wins purely with brush and ink, and rarely uses colors. Behind the concise brush and ink and form, it leaves people with infinite aesthetic space.

Reading Shanren's lotus works is like tasting a cup of West Lake Longjing tea. The first time you taste it, it is bland and you don't know what's so good about it. As time goes by, when you have tried all the sweet drinks and strong teas and liquors in the world and are tired of fame and fortune, you will settle down again and slowly enjoy a cup of the light tea fragrance. Then you will have a different experience of this light taste.

The lotus leaves painted by Bada Shanren have such characteristics most.

The image of the lotus leaf is extremely simple and concise, with dots and strokes or splashes, and rarely veins. There is no complex spatial change, just stroke after stroke, with all the strokes flowing, and the dryness, wetness, thickness and thinness are left to nature. Such lines seem to be effortless, but the changes between the center and side edges are free and elastic, and the ink color changes naturally and subtly.

The lotus flowers painted by Bada are all double-hooked, with the brush strokes tight or loose, and the tip of the brush always in the center. The petals are not circled tightly, and the air creases are filled in, perfectly depicting the lotus's elegance, purity, and fairy-like air, as if they were lotus fairies hidden in the lotus leaves, half covered and half visible, with a charming smile and beautiful eyes.

Bada Shanren was a painter who was skilled in arranging the space of the picture.

The objects in Shanren's lotus paintings often occupy the corners or diagonal spaces of the painting, with the slender lotus stems as the main space. There is nothing else, just a large expanse of white, which is extremely clean. These blank spaces give people a hazy feeling of sky, water, and mist, as well as a sense of leisure and tranquility, as if time has frozen, and there is another world on the other side of the lotus pond that is not disturbed by worldly affairs.

Lotus of Bada

Not the beautiful, flourishing flowers of spring,

It is the ink flower of "splashing tears", the withered leaves and fallen lotus.

As always,

It’s desolate and lonely, and the coldness is overwhelming.

The picture conveys a desolate, lonely and sad mood.

This is Badashanren

An appropriate expression of a miserable life experience and indifferent feelings.

"His vision is unrivaled in the past, and his calligraphy and painting are ahead of others"

It is Shitao's praise for Bada.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people,

Bada's strange artistic image,

It seems excessive.

Some even deviate from the reality of life.

But the image he showed was not vain,

It is accumulated through the deep feeling of things.

It is the product of the combination of his artistic thoughts and profound life experience.

It is an artistic illusion.

This is how this simple and unique art form was formed.