
Terrifying! 26 years ago, the movie exposed the global scam, and the ending actually hit the bottom line


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Sure enough, "Shenma" is a hit.

"Catching Dolls" has grossed over 700 million yuan today, and its Douban score is 7.5.

Since its release, netizens have frequently mentioned a film:


"Catching Dolls" uses a comedy format to play with many famous scenes from classic movies.

For example, when Shen Teng walked out of the slum building, looked around, and quickly got into a luxury car, sharp-eyed friends should be able to tell that this scene is from "Lust, Caution".

The test results were announced, and the clip was of course from Chow Yun-fat’s “God of Gamblers”.

But what the audience associates with most is still:


Artificial space, full-time monitoring, collective performance...

△ Top: "The Truman Show"; Bottom: "Catch the Dolls"

However, their perspectives and cores are very different.

"Catching Dolls" mainly tells the story from the perspective of the manipulator, and its core is "education and wealth".

And what about "The Truman Show"?

When a movie is classic enough to become an adjective or a landmark word, the themes it touches on are bound to be even more timeless.

From the perspective of the manipulated person (Truman), explore the boundary between "freedom and truth".

Of course, as a classic old film with a history of 26 years, "The Truman Show" has been talked about too many times.

Today I want to talk about the "flaws" in this world-famous scam through 15 small details.

Every flaw is carefully designed by the director.

It exposes and satirizes the huge lie in a subtle way.

You might as well mark it first, maybe you will need it someday.

Who can tell for sure that we are not living in “The Truman Show”?


Jim Carrey

Let me first talk about a coincidence outside the play.

Jim Carrey, the star of "Truman", and his character Truman.

At first, when director Peter Weir approached Jim Carrey, everyone was not optimistic.

Jim Carrey's impression on the public is that of "the superstar of nonsensical comedy."

And "The Truman Show", a science fiction film full of absurd irony about human nature, has an indescribable sense of creepiness.

So even Noah Emmerich, who played Truman's childhood friend Marlon in the film, was surprised:

It's not necessarily a good idea to choose him

Of course, we all know the outcome.

Jim Carrey's Truman has become an unforgettable page in the history of global film. He won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor and is only one step away from the Oscar for Best Actor.

When he was young, Sir, like most audiences, was only concerned with admiring the comedians’ acting skills, which were truly unfathomable and always able to refresh the public’s cognition.

Later, after watching Jim Carrey's documentary "I Need Color", I realized:

Jim Carrey, isn't his experience just one side of Truman's?

When Jim Carrey was a child, he spent half of his time performing for adults in the living room and being stared at.

In the eyes of onlookers, Truman's every move is also a performance and is also subject to criticism.

The other half of the time, he was finally "pardoned" and could hide in his room, entertain himself, write poetry and paint.

Truman also has a room to accommodate himself, the basement where he collects globes, dreams of exploration and the thoughts of youth. In the end, he escaped by using the basement as a "sleight of hand".



Truman, the name of the film, Sir guessed that many fans know the deep meaning of this name:

The real person (Trueman) lacks the "e". Only when Truman finds the exit can he become Trueman from Truman.

In fact, the film crew also buried a hidden secret in his last name, Burbank.

BurbankBurbank is a place name in the United States, known as the "Media Capital of the World".

Many world-renowned media and entertainment companies have set up shop here, such as Disney, Warner Bros., Viacom, NBC, and so on.

In other words, Burbank is a symbol that is closely connected with entertainment media, rich in fiction and good at dreaming.

Truman Burbank is a "fake person" constructed by the media for public entertainment.

On the other hand, the name of the "big villain" Christof also has a meaning.

Christ, which is "Christ" in English, is the Creator of the world in the Western Christian tradition.

This name not only points out that Chris is the creator of The Truman Show, but also reflects the skepticism of Western society at that time towards the so-called Christian theology.

Since Nietzsche's "God is Dead", Christ has often appeared on the screen as an object of suspicion.



A poster that appears in the movie.

It not only depicts Truman's current experience, but also foreshadows Truman's future destiny.

As an adult, Truman lives behind bars.

The childhood photos were actually taken on the cradle.

In fact, this has already hinted that Truman has been imprisoned in a cage and watched as a toy since he was born.

In bold black and red letters, it saysFreeTruman” has two meanings.

One level is to release him and give him freedom.

On the one hand, Truman is a commodity that is watched/consumed for free, and free means free.

Of course, “the wool comes from the sheep.”

Producers represented by Chris are not performing this play for the public for free, they are just making money by inserting advertisements.


In terms of seamless advertising placement, "The Truman Show" planned by Chris can be said to be "the leader in the industry."

It can be seen everywhere around Truman.

My childhood friend Ma Long is the "beer spokesperson".

And his wife, to use today's words, is an "advertising expert" who has big-name resources.

He can be said to be a pioneer in live streaming sales.

If we had seen movie audiences immersed in Truman’s reality show many years ago, we would have found it magical.

Today's world has become a huge live broadcast room. We are not only viewers, but also the materials included in it.


Taoyuan Island

Utopia Island is undoubtedly an unignorable color in the film.

At first glance, it looks new, warm, beautiful and tidy.

It is so dreamy that it seems like a perfect living sample room specially built for the movie, enough to deceive Truman for thirty years.

But in fact, this is a real small town.

But the person living in it is most likely not Truman, but a world leader like Chris.


A slogan

When entering the town, the first thing that catches your eye is a slogan:

“Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno” (I for everyone, and everyone for me).

Sounds very positive, doesn’t it?

But the so-called "I am for everyone" means that under the ubiquitous cameras, Truman's life has become a 24-hour live reality show.

Sacrifice Truman and entertain the audience.

The so-called "everyone for me" refers to the people you meet on the road who have a semi-permanent smile on their faces. They seem kind and friendly, but they do it to continue this game of deception.

Doesn’t it get scarier the more you think about it?



So, where is the camera that is watching Truman hidden?

Sharp-eyed viewers may have noticed it long ago:

Those black objects that look like eyeballs on car surfaces, pillars, billboards, etc. are cameras.

Hidden away and blending into the surrounding environment.

Not to mention that it would be difficult for Truman, who doesn't know about it yet, to spot it. Even the audience who have been "spoiled" from the beginning may sometimes miss the camera inside.

for example.

The necklace around my wife's neck.

Beautiful, right?

It's also a camera.

The ring that his father left to Truman before his death.

Isn’t it touching?

It is also to monitor Truman's life in real time.

The director and photographer also use shots with strange angles from time to time to simulate the camera's perspective, letting the audience know:

There are countless cameras hidden in Truman's life where we can't see them.


Falling Sirius

When did Truman realize that there was something wrong with the world he lived in?

The most obvious sign: a movie light that fell from a high altitude.

It says "Sirius" on it, which means Sirius, the brightest star in the sky besides the sun.

That is to say.

This was actually a movie light disguised as a star, falling right in front of Truman.

It's hard not to be suspicious.

The subsequent car radio immediately broadcast the news of the plane crash, disguising the movie lights as scattered parts of the plane.

But why "Sirius"?

According to one of the explanations of astrology,Sirius is considered an "evil star" that can bring danger and disaster.

The choice of "Sirius" is a reminder to Truman, "Be careful, you are in danger."

It is also a hint that Truman's road to discovery is destined to be full of obstacles and difficulties.



Another blooper in Utopia Island, the elevator.

On his way to work, Truman suddenly turned into a building near his company.

Then he saw:

The elevator is fake.

It's just a facade, but inside it's actually a motionless lounge.

This mistake is so obvious that it can't even be called a detail.

The details Sir wants to remind you of are,The number of floors in the elevator and my wife's words.

Friends who have seen it can recall, how many floors does the elevator have?

According to my wife, the elevator has 10 floors.

Fell from the tenth floor

But the display on the elevator exterior shows that there are 4 floors.

Actually, how many floors does the elevator have?

Well, that’s a fake elevator. No one can tell until Truman steps in.


Crossed fingers and puns

Truman's wife was naturally part of the conspiracy to deceive Truman.

When was the truth completely exposed?

The previous shot hidden in the elevator topic.

Truman looked through the family photo album and suddenly discovered that when they got married, his wife's index finger and middle finger overlapped.

His expression changed immediately.

Because in Christian culture, this gesture means "the oath does not count."

And "folding fingers" has another meaning, which means blessing and praying for good luck. (Of course it’s another way of stacking it)

Afterwards, Truman tested his wife with the pun of "folding fingers", "I found out your secret."

I can fold my fingers

Wish you good luck

Notice the wife’s reaction:

Surprised, guilty, hiding, smiling with one's face but not his eyes.

He is indeed a professional actor.


Black driver

There is another detail that was not pointed out by Truman.

Black driver.

He was the one driving the boat.

He is also the one driving the bus.

Not yet a serious professional driver.

It seems that Chris' budget is also limited.



After realizing that something was wrong in the world around him, Truman ran to the grocery store to find his childhood friend Marlon.

Before leaving, he said something incomprehensible:


Your birthday only comes once a year

A sudden thought: celebrate Ma Long’s birthday?

soon,"Birthday"This message appears again.

But it came from a third person's mouth.

The mother and wife suddenly said to Truman:

About someone's birthday

Note Truman's response:


That's right.

Truman's "birthday" was actually a message left specifically to test whether he was indeed being monitored.

When his mother and wife told him this information, Truman's guess was confirmed:

I understand, I am being watched all the time.

So people who are not present can still capture the information I left elsewhere.


Mount Rushmore

Occasionally, the film reveals some signs that make Truman believe that he has been to faraway places and is not confined to Utopia Island.

For example, a group photo.

The background behind is Mount Rushmore, a famous American tourist attraction.

From left to right are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln, who are considered to represent the first 150 years of American history.

The first and foremost purpose of its appearance is to deepen the falsity of Truman's life. The Mount Rushmore he saw was so small and so rough, it was obviously a simulated fake landscape.

What else?

In a film that satirizes the so-called, artificial reality and freedom, the politically significant Mount Rushmore appears deliberately.

What "The Truman Show" wants to radiate is not just an abstract high concept, but also the actual history and reality that looms over people.

How much truth is there? How much fabrication? How much freedom is there?


sailboat name

Truman's final escape is also a classic scene in the film.

On the rough sea, Truman held on to the side of the boat tightly and escaped death.

Just a quick question, do you remember the name of this ship?

SANTA MARIA, Santa Maria.

It is exactly the same name as the ship that Columbus sailed on to discover the New World.

As a child, Truman's dream was to be an explorer.

However, his teacher at that time told him mercilessly that the world had been explored!

The moment Truman drove the Santa Maria, not only did he expose his teacher's lies, but also Truman's dream of adventure finally came true.


Fake documentary

In addition to the officially released version, director Peter also filmed some fake documentaries about "The Truman Show".

Considering the length of the film, Peter reluctantly cut some of it, and it was only included in the version of the film played on certain airplanes to help passengers pass the time.

Sir has dug up some clips, which might be a "fake documentary" (not guaranteed to be authentic).

In the clips, Truman's life is like a big reality show, being watched all the time and there are imitators.

The Truman Movement, they move.

There is a very crucial plot in it.

There was an old man in a wheelchair who looked poor and destitute. He asked Truman for a sandwich.

Unexpectedly, two days later, Truman met him again.

guess what?

The old man suddenly looked radiant and was jogging in sportswear and headphones.

In just two days, his leg was healed and he had the money.

Because of this, Truman felt even more strange about Utopia Island.

The fake documentary also added a lot of information, such as the third girl who appeared later to attract Truman and her true identity.


See what else

Do you remember the last shot of "The Truman Show"?

Truman's classic farewell?

The audience's delight?


Two security guards were bored:

- What other shows are there?

- See what else is there

Looking back 26 years later, I feel that this ending is a stroke of genius, and even more accurately hits the reality of ordinary people's lives:

How many people can live in a happy world like Utopia?

How many people have the courage to run away like Truman?

Most people are like security guards, who spend their day-to-day lives killing time by having a few fun things to do.

Then after one fun is over, we rush to find the next one.

For example, the article ends here.

You will also continue to tinker with your phone and "see what else there is."

The pictures in this article are from the Internet