
The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee confirmed that Li Shangfu and three other military "worms" were expelled from the Party


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Jiemian News reporter | Zhai Ruimin
Jiemian News Editor | Liu Haichuan

On July 18, 2024, Xinhua News Agency was authorized to release the communique of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. According to the communique, the plenary session reviewed and approved the review report of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China on the serious violations of discipline and law by Li Shangfu, Li Yuchao and Sun Jinming, and confirmed the previous decision of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee to expel Li Shangfu, Li Yuchao and Sun Jinming from the party.

The three people who were expelled from the party this time were all senior military generals. Li Shangfu previously served as a member of the Central Military Commission, State Councilor and Minister of National Defense. Li Yuchao and Sun Jinming served as the commander and chief of staff of the Rocket Force respectively.

According to the personal resume released by Xinhua News Agency, Li Shangfu is of Han nationality, born in February 1958 in Xingguo, Jiangxi Province, started working in May 1974, joined the army in August 1982, joined the Communist Party of China in June 1980, graduated from Chongqing University with a major in control theory and control engineering, has a postgraduate degree, and holds a doctorate in engineering.

Li Shangfu has served as deputy commander of the 63790 Unit of the People's Liberation Army of China, director of the Xichang Satellite Launch Center, chief of staff of the General Armament Department of the People's Liberation Army of China, deputy minister of the General Armament Department, and deputy commander of the Strategic Support Force.

Li Shangfu was expelled from the party. He previously served as a member of the Central Military Commission, State Councilor and Minister of National Defense.

In September 2017, Li Shangfu was appointed Minister of Equipment Development of the Central Military Commission, and was promoted to the rank of General in July 2019. In June 2021, the Shenzhou XII manned spacecraft started its space journey, and it was Li Shangfu who issued the departure order. On September 17, 2021, astronauts Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming, and Tang Hongbo, who successfully completed the Shenzhou XII manned flight mission, arrived safely in Beijing by plane, and Li Shangfu and others went to the airport to greet them.

In October 2022, Li Shangfu became a member of the 20th CPC Central Committee and a member of the CPC Central Military Commission, and was subsequently appointed State Councilor and Minister of National Defense in March 2023. However, just over half a year later, in October 2023, the Sixth Session of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress removed Li Shangfu from his three posts as State Councilor, Minister of National Defense, and member of the Central Military Commission.

On June 27, 2024, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee reviewed and approved the Central Military Commission's "Report on the Review Results and Handling Opinions on Li Shangfu's Issues", and decided to expel Li Shangfu from the Party, terminate his qualifications as a delegate to the 20th National Congress of the Party, and transfer Li Shangfu's suspected criminal issues to the military procuratorate for review and prosecution in accordance with the law. The expulsion from the Party will be ratified at the next plenary session of the Central Committee.

Previously, the Central Military Commission had decided to expel Li Shangfu from the military and revoke his rank of Army General.

The meeting introduced that based on the clues to problems found in the investigation and handling of cases by the CMC Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission, after research and decision by the Party Central Committee, on August 31, 2023, the CMC Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission will initiate an investigation into Li Shangfu's serious violations of discipline and laws.

It has been found that Li Shangfu has seriously violated political discipline, failed to fulfill his political responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, and resisted organizational review; seriously violated organizational discipline, illegally sought personnel benefits for himself and others; used his position to seek benefits for others and accepted huge sums of money, suspected of bribery; gave money to others to seek improper benefits, suspected of bribery. The review and investigation also found clues to Li Shangfu's other serious violations of discipline and law. As a senior leader of the Party and the military, Li Shangfu abandoned his original mission and lost his party spirit and principles. His behavior failed the trust of the Party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission, seriously polluted the political ecology of the military equipment field and the atmosphere in the industry, and caused great damage to the Party's cause, national defense and military construction, as well as the image of senior leaders. The nature of his behavior is extremely serious, the impact is extremely bad, and the harm is particularly huge.

According to his public resume, Li Yuchao has served as the commander of the Emergency Mobile Combat Regiment of the Second Artillery Corps of the People's Liberation Army, the commander of the Nuclear and Conventional Emergency Missile Brigade, the commander of the Nuclear Missile Brigade of the Second Artillery Corps of the People's Liberation Army, and the commander of the New Conventional Missile Brigade. He later served as deputy chief of staff of a base of the Second Artillery Corps of the People's Liberation Army, commander of the 53rd Base of the Rocket Force, and vice president of the Second Artillery Engineering University.

Li Yuchao was expelled from the party and promoted to the rank of general while serving as commander of the Rocket Force

According to The Paper, in 2009, Li Yuchao, then deputy chief of staff of a base of the Second Artillery, also served as deputy commander of the Second Artillery Equipment Battalion at the 60th anniversary of the National Day parade. Six years later, at the Victory Day parade held on September 3, 2015, Li Yuchao, then commander of a base of the Second Artillery, led his troops to the parade as the leader of the conventional missile third team, becoming one of the few generals to participate in two parades.

In January 2022, Li Yuchao was promoted to the rank of general while serving as commander of the Rocket Force.

In September 2023, the Rocket Force held a military representative conference and decided to remove Li Yuchao from the 14th National People's Congress due to suspected serious violations of discipline and law. On December 29, 2023, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress announced that in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Deputies to the National People's Congress and Local People's Congresses at All Levels, Li Yuchao's representative qualification was terminated.

Sun Jinming rarely appeared in public reports in the past. In February 2023, new members and alternate members of the Central Committee and major provincial and ministerial leaders attended a seminar in Beijing. In the "News Network" broadcast on the evening of February 11, Sun Jinming, who appeared as an alternate member of the Central Committee and Chief of Staff of the Rocket Force, said that accelerating the modernization of national defense and the army is an urgent and realistic requirement for comprehensively promoting Chinese-style modernization. We must enhance our sense of crisis and open up new horizons for the development of our cause through tenacious struggle. We must defend national sovereignty with greater capabilities and provide strong guarantees for Chinese-style modernization.

In a report released by Xinhua News Agency at the time, Sun Jinming stated that as an important part of China's modernization, the modernization of national defense and the military should focus on promoting the modernization of military theory, military equipment, military personnel and military system.

In recent years, my country's military has continued to fight corruption. In January 2024, the People's Liberation Army Daily published an article titled "Anti-corruption must always sound the charge", pointing out that at present, all powerful divisions and brigades in ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad, regard corruption as the biggest cancer that erodes the body of the army and the biggest factor that affects the cohesion of the army. Although the army is an armed group that performs special tasks, it must not be special in anti-corruption and cannot become a "vacuum zone".

The military's anti-corruption campaign has been continuously advancing. The picture shows a schematic diagram of the military's anti-corruption campaign

On June 26, the PLA Daily published an editorial entitled "Eradication of the Soil and Conditions for Corruption to Breed" which pointed out that the strategy of building the army in the new era clearly states that there must be no place for corrupt elements to hide in the army. Our army is a people's army under the leadership of the Party. It absolutely has no special interests of its own, let alone the power to seek special treatment. The army holds the barrel of a gun, and corruption must not exist in the Party, especially in our army.

"We must maintain our zero-tolerance attitude, our determination to use drastic measures to cure the disease, our courage to scrape the bone to cure the poison, and our strict punishment standards. We must investigate and punish every case we discover, and we must persist in our efforts for a long time. We will never stop until we win," the article said.