
Didn’t I say that Ning Jing is so addictive to ordering people around?


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Si Benben thought that the reborn "Flowers and Youths" would always have a harmonious atmosphere, harmonious style, and live happily together...

For this recording of Friends, the production team brought in old and new friends from previous seasons to play together. From Zhang Kaili, Liu Tao, and Zhang Han in the first season to Jiang Shuying, Guli Nazha, Tony Yang, and Chen Bolin in the third season, to Li Sidani, Ding Chengxin, and Han Dongjun in the fourth season, nothing went wrong.

Everyone is happy and there are no conflicts, only laughter and joy during the journey.

But obviously, the more peace and love they have with each other, the less presence this show has on the Internet.

Until the last stop in France, when Ning Jing and Chen Yihan joined the second season, which was the legendary season with the most outrageous, dramatic and headache-inducing opening, the familiar taste returned. (Sven was shocked several times and almost thought he had traveled through time.)

Netizens who have watched "Flowers and Youth 2" should all know that any guest picked out in the second season is not an easy person to deal with, and this time, two of them were picked out from the "Friends" list.

However, the reputations of these two people have gone to two extremes.

Chen Yihan was praised as an emotionally stable travel partner, while Ning Jing was scolded as a "variety show loser" who took advantage of her seniority.

Because of Ning Jing's various "troublemaking" ways out of the circle, Sven went to watch the later episodes of Friends. It can only be said that it is not unfair at all that this sister would be chased and scolded by the spectators all over the Internet.

They take rudeness as their true nature, arrogance as their truth, commanding others as their leadership rights, shirking responsibility as giving others opportunities, and taking others' willingness to help others as their love of showing off...

Ning Jing seems to exist in the show in a very new and annoying way.

Seeing this, Sven was both angry and worried for her. Is there really no one around her who dares to tell the "truth"? ? ? ?

As far as I can remember, this show has never had two tour guides, but because of Ning Jing, a precedent had to be set. The tour guide for the French station was selected by a collective vote of netizens. Siwen felt that it was not because of Ning Jing's popularity, but that netizens just wanted to watch the fun. After all, Ning Jing's style in "Flowers and Youth 2" is obvious to all.

I didn't see her do any work all day. I just heard her complaining about this and that every day, saying that she didn't eat well, didn't live well, and was too tired every day to have any fun.

Do whatever you want, you can do whatever you want, the main feature is that you are not sociable, you don't cooperate, and you don't want to play.

When he gets angry, he just walks away with a shrug, completely disregarding the feelings of other playmates.

Others arranged group activities, Ning Jing: I can't get up at all. (I declined.

I had fun and made money, but then I turned around and complained about it as a "hard job" on other shows. Er~sister, is there a possibility that this is a job? If you are afraid of hardship, don't take it. If you take it, you should have some basic social animal spirit, okay? ?

Netizens wanted to watch the fun, but the program crew didn’t dare to take the risk, so they assigned everyone a tour guide: Li Sidani.

In other words, Ning Jing and Li Sidani are both tour guides for the French station.

According to the rules of the show, Ning Jing is the one chosen by netizens to do the work, and Li Sidani can only assist when she is too busy. Or, considering Ning Jing's age, a young person can be arranged to help share the work, and it is ok for the two to work together.

But in Ning Jing's understanding, the program team arranged a direct subordinate for her.

It's outrageous, I don't understand.

Besides Li Sidani, she arranged tasks for everyone in the show. She was the tour guide, but everyone was doing the work. She asked Zhang Han to book the hotel, Zhao Zhaoyi to create the atmosphere, Qin Lan was the "God of Wealth Baby" in charge of finance, Chen Yihan was responsible for searching for restaurants, and Li Sidani mainly arranged everyone's itinerary.

Okay, okay~~ As a tour guide, Ning Jing only needs to speak.

In Ning Jing's own opinion, she doesn't seem to think that there is anything wrong with what she does. In the interview, Ning Jing said that this is how a boss should be, with his right-hand men and left-hand men below him. How awesome~

Ning Jing really listened to the leadership statement "If you can't lead a team, you will have to work yourself to death."

We are all tour guides.

Ning Jing went to bed early, while Li Sidani was still arranging the next day's schedule late at night; the next day, when others were still sleeping, Li Sidani had already gotten up early to work.

Li Sidani was busy running around before she had time to wash up, but Ning Jing was sitting quietly in front of the dressing table putting on makeup.

When Li Sidani confirmed the itinerary and came to inform everyone how to proceed, she was corrected by her "leader" Ning Jing because of "inappropriate wording" and asked, "Are you reporting or arranging?" (Ah? What's wrong?

Li Sidani immediately changed her words: Okay, leader, I will report to "you".

After listening to it, Queen Mother Ning Jing expressed her satisfaction: "Good arrangement, Leo." To be honest, Sven almost got angry after hearing this. Although I know it's just a joke between sisters, this subconscious feeling that others are inferior to me is really uncomfortable.

As a tour guide, Li Sidani was so busy that she couldn't even sleep or eat properly. As a result, she was also being beaten around the bush by a self-righteous "leader". Ning Jing asked Li Sidani: "Is this tour guide task interesting?" (Li Sidani has read but not replied

"Because I think you are the kind of person who particularly likes to be responsible."

"So smart... He can do things very well even without instructions."

Instruct? ??? ??? Sister, why don’t you listen to what you are saying?

It's really hard to communicate. I feel like Li Sidani is about to break apart through the screen.

Chen·Perfect summary·Meaning: Sister Jing prefers the kind of leader who listens to reports.

When the program crew asked Chen Yihan what Li Sidani was mainly responsible for, Chen Yihan said two words firmly: "All". It can be seen that Ning Jing not only does not do the work of a tour guide in front of the camera, but also behind the camera.

Moreover, he always exudes the aura that he is Li Sidani's "leader".

When Li Sidani was too busy arranging itineraries for everyone to eat, others would provide various emotional values ​​to praise Li Sidani as "very good, great, and well done", and even picked up food for Li Sidani. The word "hard work" from Ning Jing almost suffocated me.

The sense of substitution for the workers is simply too strong. After all the hard work, what happens next? You still only give orders but don't do any work.

Because no one in the show can control Ning Jing, everyone else can only follow her lead; because she is a tour guide, she can assign work to anyone; because she is a tour guide, she can play when she wants to and leave at any time when she doesn't want to play.

Ning Jing is indeed a very genuine person, but this kind of genuineness, which is based on not caring about other people's lives, is somewhat disrespectful to others.

The purpose of this program was to have everyone come together to have fun and travel, but what ended up happening was one "Disappearing Silence" after another.

As soon as she arrived at the place, Ningjing started running around randomly, disappearing in various ways and making herself impossible to be found.

Everyone else is frantically looking for peace and quiet, anxious as hell, without any sense of experience at all.

But Ning Jing had a lot of fun playing alone. She said that it was because she was alone that she was able to see so much.

The director kept asking her if she really didn't want to play with everyone. She said that we were all adults, so why should we play together? What a ridiculous and brainless statement. If she really wanted to play by herself, why did she choose to come out at public expense? Did she want to be scolded because she was too popular?

If you don’t want to take pictures, don’t take them. If you want to leave, just leave without saying goodbye.

Even though she was reminded to inform other friends, Ning Jing still went her own way and acted like a big sister. She seemed to enjoy being picked on and thought that everyone should have the tacit understanding. She even said, "They all know that I am very weird."

He spews forth a stream of great moral truths from the moral high ground, making you feel too embarrassed to refute him. It's hard to handle. It's really hard to handle such a travel partner.

She was obviously the tour guide, but she complained that they left too early and couldn't get up, and even dragged Zhang Han along with her.

She clearly wanted to go hiking, and she pushed Zhang Han into going with her. But she got tired and decided not to go, so she immediately turned back.

Zhang Han also has a good temper~~

In real life, I think there is nothing wrong with Ning Jing's behavior. After all, when traveling, the main thing is to have fun and do whatever you want.

But sister seems to have forgotten that you are here to work, and you are not working alone. Your working state will affect others and even the effect of the entire program.

Throughout the whole process, Ning Jing missed a lot of projects. The director asked her if she had any regrets. Ning Jing said that she had no regrets at all. She came out to have fun. Everyone has a different perspective on happiness. Uh, yes, yes, you are happy, but what about the lives of others?

She didn't care at all that Li Sidani was working so hard that she didn't have time to eat or drink.

She didn't seem to be worried at all about Li Sidani's lack of time and inability to complete her schedule.

She even feels that she is a truly professional tour guide. She said tour guides don't go out to play, they just stand in one place with a small flag waiting for everyone to come back from playing.

I can't watch it anymore. The more I watch it, the angrier I get...

She was not aware of the tour guide making travel plans, arranging itineraries, and taking care of all the tourists' food, drink, and defecation. She only did one thing, holding a small flag and waiting for people, and she said she was professional. Didn't the tour guide know in her life that her job could be so easy?

Faced with overwhelming condemnation from netizens, Ning Jing responded calmly: I am just being a very new kind of tour guide.

During the live broadcast, she "passed the buck" to the program crew for the bad reputation she had been carrying during this period. As an old player of "Flowers in the Sky", she said that "Flowers in the Sky" has its own temperament.

Ning Jing's implication is that she was invited by the program team to do this job. If she acted as a normal person in the show, the show would lose its appeal. Regardless of whether she is such a person or not, the program team needs her to be such a person.

Be it the script or the editing, we can only see what others want us to see.

Comfort fans to understand that this is just a normal performance of Hua Xue~~

Ning Jing said after participating in "Flowers and Youth 2" that the people in this show are very fake and good at pretending, forming small groups, and it is very difficult to get along with them. She couldn't pretend for three days. So, what she wants to say is that the crazy look in the show is her real self?

It looks like a travel program about eating, drinking and having fun, but it is not that easy and requires a lot of calculations. (She emphasized that it was not a calculation for fear that others would not understand her implication.)

Everyone says that there are not many living people in the entertainment industry. Is it because the stars are unwilling to be living people and be themselves? Of course not.

Not everyone dares to recklessly express their true nature in the entertainment industry and go the legal crazy route. They either need to have a strong enough background to support them, or have strong enough business capabilities to shut others up.

Ning Jing in the early years could be considered the second type. Ning Jing, who has won many awards and dominated the film and television circles, does have enough capital to be arrogant. You can say that Ning Jing is crazy, but it is hard to say that her acting skills are bad.

He created classic characters one after another.

But Ning Jing now seems to have forgotten how long it has been since she last joined the crew, and she has also overestimated the current audience's tolerance of her.

Today's audiences don't recognize the Ning Jing who shines in movies and TV series. What everyone sees is just an elderly "Bai Gan Jie" who often appears in various variety shows and always says that she will always be a top star.

Some netizens have calculated that Ning Jing has appeared on nearly a hundred variety shows in the years since she was no longer a member of the show. Now, when she appears on variety shows, she still has the image of a big sister who is not someone who is easy to mess with, with an arrogant attitude and a bad temper.

But as an actress, she does not have any works to support her, let alone roles that speak for her.

After removing the halo and filter, more and more viewers gradually saw through Ning Jing's "true face". Her true nature is actually impoliteness, and the so-called "honesty" is just a glamorous excuse for her unprofessionalism. Netizens even called her a "variety show idiot" who took advantage of her seniority.

You can enjoy the dividends of your youth, but you can’t enjoy them for so many years.

The reason why everyone thinks Ning Jing has failed is, firstly, because she no longer has the capital to be arrogant, and secondly, because her arrogance is not equal. As Ning Jing appears in variety shows more and more frequently, she encounters more and more colleagues, including young newcomers and seniors who are more experienced than her. Everyone finds that Ning Jing does not seem to be rude to everyone.

When she saw her idol, the star Brigitte Lin, she immediately turned into a little fangirl and started to cling to her enthusiastically.

Even if Xiang Zuo's acting skills are ridiculed by everyone, Ning Jing will still stand up and speak for him.

Ning Jing's "Schrödinger-like" nature of adapting to different people became the fatal blow on the road to the collapse of her personality.

If she was like other arrogant girls, treating everyone equally and with a condescending attitude, everyone would think that she was just the kind of person who looked down on everyone and was born with a tsundere streak.

But if his true nature is only visible to those below him, it is only a matter of time before he fails.

In the entertainment industry, Ning Jing is certainly a talented player who has been blessed by God. Sven believes that Ning Jing must still have ambitions for her career.

But we have to admit that Ning Jing is indeed going further and further on the road of being a "variety show star" with her own strength. This is something that even true fans would find difficult to refute, right?