
Winning "one gold and two bronze medals"! The "China Innovation Wings" Guangdong Competition concluded, and Nansha Science and Technology Innovation once again demonstrated its strength


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On July 17, the provincial finals of the Guangdong Provincial Selection Competition of the 6th "China Innovation Wing" Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition were held in Nansha District, Guangzhou. A total of 22 projects from the province advanced to the provincial finals, of which 3 were from Nansha District. They were all related to the "Core Morning Sea" industrial cluster in Nansha District and finally won the excellent results of "one gold and two bronze medals".

It is the momentum of technological innovation that has continuously strengthened the attraction of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" in Nansha District. Half a month ago, the second Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Doctoral and Postdoctoral Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition was also officially launched in Nansha District. Now, the provincial finals of the national entrepreneurship and innovation competition are held in Nansha District, which not only allows Nansha's participating companies to compete with outstanding companies on the same stage and learn from experience at their "doorstep", but also allows local investors to closely identify "potential stocks" and create opportunities for Nansha to introduce high-quality projects.

This competition is themed "Creating a New Era and Realizing the Chinese Dream" and is hosted by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security and the Guangzhou Municipal People's Government, and undertaken by the Guangzhou Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and the Nansha District People's Government.

At the award ceremony of the provincial finals of the Guangdong Provincial Selection of the 6th "China Innovation Wing" Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition, the new generation of high-end intelligent marine equipment research and development project brought by Guangdong Guangchuan International Marine Science and Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd. won the gold medal.

It is expected that the green ships built in Nansha will be promoted nationwide

This year's "China Innovation Wing" Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition attracted more than 3,000 projects in Guangdong Province to register, an increase of 88% year-on-year, of which 108 companies in Nansha District registered. After layers of screening in 21 prefecture-level cities and preliminaries across the province, a total of 22 projects in the five major tracks of advanced manufacturing, modern services, rural revitalization, silver economy and green economy successfully advanced to the provincial finals, and a total of 3 projects from Nansha District advanced.

The provincial finals will be held in the form of a live roadshow, with comprehensive scoring by the 7 judges of the jury, and ultimately 5 gold medals, 7 silver medals, 10 bronze medals and 13 winning prizes will be decided. Gold, silver and bronze medal projects will be given priority to advance to the national selection.

Nansha District won "one gold and two bronze medals". Among them, the new generation of high-end intelligent marine equipment research and development project brought by Guangdong Guangchuan International Marine Science and Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd. won the gold medal, the leading brand of China's oyster seedling intelligent cultivation by Guangdong Nanyang Marine Industry Investment Co., Ltd., and the new large-scale financial data collaborative learning framework project by Guangzhou Nirvana Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. won the bronze medal. They are all related to the "Core Morning Ocean" industrial cluster in Nansha District, and there are many high-quality Hong Kong and Macao youth entrepreneurship projects.

"Marine economy" is an important part of the "Core Morning Ocean" development strategy that Nansha District has been vigorously promoting in recent years. The rich industrial space in the district, coupled with various policy dividends and innovation resources from Hong Kong and Macao, has provided strong support for the scientific research and business expansion of marine-related enterprises. Guangzhou Shipyard International is one of the beneficiaries.

This time, the new generation of high-end intelligent marine equipment research and development project brought by Guangdong Shipyard International Marine Science and Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd. takes ship emission reduction and green shipbuilding as an opportunity to develop a new generation of high-end green intelligent ships with the characteristics of "green, environmentally friendly, intelligent and safe". This not only represents the latest achievements in the field of marine equipment research and development in my country, but will also inject new impetus into the development of my country's marine industry.

Project leader Wan Xiaosan gave a roadshow explanation.

Wan Xiaosan, the project leader, said that the methanol dual-fuel green ship developed by the team can achieve carbon neutrality throughout the life cycle of ship fuel, has completely independent intellectual property rights, and represents the highest level of methanol fuel ship application in China. At present, the team has completed the research and development of other green fuels including ammonia fuel and hydrogen fuel ships, and obtained multiple ship class design principle approval AIP certificates.

"We have changed from passively accepting shipowners' demand information to conducting research and development to actively guiding and creating new demands from shipowners, and simultaneously conducting research and development of ship types and green configuration system equipment, and providing a business model that best meets customer needs with a full set of green ship solutions." Wan Xiaosan pointed out that the most direct way to make a profit from such projects is to obtain high-value-added ship and system equipment market orders and achieve profitability through high-end product research and development and technology improvement. "After our green ship equipment and technology are maturely applied in our parent company (Guangzhou Shipyard International), it is expected to be promoted to shipyards across the country."

High-quality Hong Kong and Macao youth entrepreneurship projects signed investment intent letters on site

Nansha District, as the main battlefield of this competition, is building a broad stage for the display and growth of "double innovation" players by relying on its continuously upgraded and improved policy support system, entrepreneurial innovation ecology and business and intelligent environment.

It is reported that the participating projects settled in Nansha District will enjoy full-chain service support such as industrial resource docking, capital matching, investment and financing cooperation, etc. With the recent release of the "16 Measures for Excellent Enterprise Services", Nansha District has prepared a "package" of favorable policies to embrace innovative and entrepreneurial enterprises and talents, including Nansha's "Nine Measures for International Talent Special Zone", "Ten Measures for Innovation of Hong Kong and Macao Youth", "Nine Measures for Biomedicine", "Ten Measures for Science and Technology Innovation", etc., to fully promote the vigorous development of excellent entrepreneurial projects.

Guangzhou Nirvana Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. originated from a startup team in Hong Kong. It was introduced from Hong Kong to Nansha District in January 2023 and settled in Chuanghui Valley, one of Nansha’s youth entrepreneurship bases. The team is a composite high-tech enterprise team composed of a professor and doctor of mathematical artificial intelligence from the University of Hong Kong and a CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst). With the multi-faceted support of Nansha District, it is rapidly taking root and introducing advanced financial technology from Hong Kong and even the world into the mainland.

The company's award-winning new large-scale financial data collaborative learning framework project is committed to providing financial institutions with a large-scale financial data collaborative learning framework that is independently developed using global cutting-edge privacy computing and federated learning technologies to efficiently connect data silos.

Xu Zhouming, founder of Guangzhou Nirvana Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., conducted a project roadshow.

"Currently, financial institutions need to jointly train large AI models to help improve operational efficiency and risk control capabilities. However, since the customer data of financial institutions needs to be strictly confidential, the data between institutions cannot be interoperable, which poses certain obstacles." Xu Zhouming, the company's founder, told Nandu reporters that the technology developed by the team can split the AI ​​model into several sub-models, distribute them to each financial institution, use their server data for local training, and then summarize the trained model parameters, integrate and iterate, and finally form an accurate large model. "This will solve the data island problem that traditional technology cannot solve, and increase the amount of data and data dimensions of financial institutions' AI large model training by dozens of times."

"We hope that by participating in the competition, we can get to know more investment and financing institutions, as well as upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain in Nansha District and even Guangzhou City, so that we will have the opportunity to reach cooperation in the future and promote the implementation of research and development results," said Xu Zhouming.

At the event, many investment and financing institutions had lively exchanges with the participating projects.

In the view of many judging experts, the competition not only provides an opportunity for start-up projects to improve rapidly, but also builds a communication platform for high-quality projects and investment and financing institutions to "run in both directions."

After settling in Nansha District at the end of 2023, Guangzhou Red Bird Qihang Fund has focused on investing in early-stage technological innovation and entrepreneurship projects, and has successfully invested in six or seven projects. This time, it was also invited to watch the competition as a representative of the industry's leading investment and financing institutions. Zhu Li, the fund manager of the institution, introduced that the Red Bird Qihang Fund first focuses on innovative projects with high originality and technological barriers, and judges their market investment potential.

For start-up technology companies, the development process from scientific research to productization and industrialization of technology is relatively long, and the ability requirements at each development stage are also different. "Our development strategy is to establish a consensus with technology companies on the original technical principles at the beginning of investment, explore the development path for the downstream market based on understanding, and find the right track to market and industrialize the technology." Zhu Li said that after the company's development gradually forms a scale, it will face a series of development needs such as corporate governance, resource docking, equity planning and financing, and Red Bird Qihang Fund will also provide corresponding supporting services.

The four participating projects signed letters of intent on investment with investment and financing institutions on the spot.

At the award ceremony that day, four participating projects that reached cooperation intentions signed investment letters of intent with investment and financing institutions on the spot, including Guangzhou Nirvana Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. Xu Zhouming said, "Our business will not be limited to the financial field, and we will carry out cross-border cooperation in multiple fields such as medical care and automobiles. Nansha's Guangdong Medical Valley and automobile industry clusters provide the best soil for us to try cross-border cooperation."

Produced by Southern Metropolis Daily Guangzhou News Department

Written by: Southern Metropolis Daily reporter Mo Zhihua and correspondent Liu Bingwei

Image: Provided by the event organizer