
Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang: The innocent "giant baby" and his emotionally stable "mother"


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After Lu Han announced his relationship, he released an interview with his friends, in which he mentioned that he had made the decision to announce it after careful consideration. The original words were "I'm not a fool, I won't announce it just because I'm excited."

Coincidentally, Huang Zitao's announcement of his relationship was quite foolish. In "Come With Me", he just announced it as soon as he was excited.

Because Huang Zitao could clearly feel Xu Yiyang's resistance to intimacy in front of the camera during the recording of the show, he had an argument with her late at night, and then told the program crew the next day that he wanted to make it public because he couldn't bear it anymore.

The reason given by Huang Zitao was that he had no intention of hiding his feelings on the show, but Xu Yiyang thought that since the two of them were not public, they had to be discreet in their behavior.Even in Xu Yiyang's opinion, it might be easier to do tasks with other guests because there is no need to consider the degree.——This made Huang Zitao feel aggrieved and he felt he couldn’t bear it.

Many people feel that Xu Yiyang "doesn't love" Huang Zitao that much when watching the show clips, because her emotions are always stable. But in fact, the so-called love is to choose the right way to get along with your lover. The emotional Huang Zitao must be matched with the stable Xu Yiyang, otherwise the two emotions will conflict and easily cause destructive effects.

Especially Huang Zitao, his life script is completed by his own fantasyAfter the relationship was announced, many people ridiculed Huang Zitao's self-proclaimed romantic behavior of announcing the relationship. Not only did he post the official announcement on social media platforms, he also recorded a couple video and even changed his profile picture, turning netizens into part of his love play.

Audiences who have watched the variety show will realize that Huang Zitao's bold official announcement combination was completely driven by his emotions. If he wanted to make an official announcement, he would directly communicate with the program team to make an official announcement; if he felt that he could show his affection after the official announcement, he would show his love on social platforms without caring whether fans could accept it or not.

This is somewhat reminiscent of the typical "giant baby characteristics".Giant baby behavior refers to adults showing baby-like characteristics in psychology and behavior, such as self-centeredness, emotional instability, and strong dependence.Such people tend to only consider their own needs and fail to foresee the impact that their personal behavior may have on others. At the same time, their moods are changeable, which can easily cause stress and distress to those around them.

Huang Zitao's "giant baby mentality" is reflected in his self-behaviorIn fact, when Huang Zitao first told the director that he wanted to make the official announcement, Xu Yiyang was not even by his side. The director and the guests could only euphemistically say that this was a matter between the two of them and that Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang needed to communicate in advance. Huang Zitao even thought that the two did not need to communicate individually in advance and that he wanted everyone to go to the rose garden together.

Apparently he has his own romantic narrative, and the official announcement scene should be that everyone is surrounding them in the rose garden, feeling their happiness.

This is exactly the same as his official announcement of his relationship on all platforms. In Huang Zitao's fantasy world, the public should of course applaud and bless him - be moved by his secret feelings for many years, and applaud his deep affection. However, whenever he thinks of his secret feelings, he will shed tears of grievance.

He sincerely felt that his life was not easy.

Huang Zitao is not very popular among the "Four Returnees". He is most famous not for any of his works or songs, but for his famous slogan - "I won't go die easily". This naive phrase shows that he is a king who is immersed in his own world.

Huang Zitao has had a smooth life without any setbacks. His greatest pain may be the death of his father. Huang Zitao said that after his father's death, he once buried himself in work and avoided emotions. The death of his father also caused a gap in his close relationship building, and the person who filled this gap was Xu Yiyang.

Xu Yiyang plays the role of the stabilizer in their relationship. If Huang Zitao is a "giant baby", then Xu Yiyang is the "mother" who comforts and takes care of him. In the latter part of the show, Huang Zitao dragged Xu Yiyang into the rose garden and began to say that he wanted to make it public. After watching the show, many people joked that Xu Yiyang's attitude towards Huang Zitao seemed perfunctory, but if she put Xu Yiyang in the role of a "mother" who handles problems, everything actually makes sense.

Because long before the show, Xu Yiyang asked Huang Zitao how they would get along on the show, whether to be closer friends or avoid suspicion like in previous shows. The result of the two's communication might be avoidance, but during the recording of the show, Huang Zitao obviously had the need to express intimacy, which made the "avoidance behavior" completely invalid, which led to the dispute between the two on the show.

In other words, Huang Zitao did not abide by the mode of getting along that the two had agreed upon in advance, and his way of solving this problem was to just throw the jar into the open and make it public.

This is in line with the behavior pattern of "giant babies". They are driven by emotions and are prone to impulsive behavior that cannot be controlled. It is the responsibility of the parents who take care of "giant babies" to deal with these behaviors. Xu Yiyang and Huang Zitao said that he was angry and refused to back down. Huang Zitao did not think he did anything wrong, but refuted "I'm angry", which means that everything should give way to his emotions.

The emotionally stable Xu Yiyang obviously took on the role of a caregiver. She immediately understood what Huang Zitao wanted to announce, and not only did she not raise any objections, she also followed his emotions and provided emotional value.

Xu Yiyang did not expose Huang Zitao's "super handsome" fantasy, nor did she break his "protecting his girlfriend" heroic filter. At most, she made a few jokes and then accepted it all.

So, Huang Zitao, who had been briefly anxious due to the announcement of his relationship, calmed down and began the second round of emotions - asking for praise.His psychological motivation for seeking praise is easy to understand, because he has always believed that he is very tolerant, he feels that he deserves to be appreciated. After not getting crazy praise from Xu Yiyang, he even hopes to seek help from a third party to get praise.

As a "protector", Xu Yiyang is very sensitive to Huang Zitao's emotions. For example, when Huang Zitao said that it was very hard for him to endure, she realized that he made her angry, and tried to let Huang Zitao sit next to her to calm him down.

Later, Huang Zitao became more and more sad and cried out of grievance. Xu Yiyang coaxed him like a big head, telling him "I can't stand it anymore", acknowledging his grievance and supporting his decision.

If you look closely, you will find that when Huang Zitao cried, Xu Yiyang also cried, and she also said that she felt very uncomfortable. But Huang Zitao didn't need to respond to her emotional state at all. He never responded to Xu Yiyang's emotions - from this, it can be seen that in their relationship, Xu Yiyang is the absolute comforter.

Later, Huang Zitao also said that his spiritual sustenance was to be with Xu Yiyang.

Xu Yiyang was also very skilled in coaxing Huang Zitao to calm down. She first gently soothed him in a low voice and used touch to calm his emotions; then she joked that she loved seeing Huang Zitao cry the most, which successfully made Huang Zitao laugh.

She also encouraged Huang Zitao to express himself to her. She would not say that such expression is good or beneficial to the intimate relationship, but said "I will feel safe if you do this." This is very convincing to Huang Zitao who believes that he is very "manly".

After Huang Zitao calmed down, Xu Yiyang even teased other staff members whether they had bullied him. This was clearly a move to protect her, and Huang Zitao obviously enjoyed it very much.

Later, Xu Yiyang talked to the staff and expressed her anxiety. For example, she didn't know Huang Zitao's considerations, and when they quarreled, Huang Zitao would speak harshly, and the communication would fall into a vicious circle.

Huang Zitao doesn't need to deal with all these personal emotions of hers, Xu Yiyang can handle them on her own.

So it is completely reasonable for Huang Zitao to say that Xu Yiyang is the person he can stay with until the end, because she is able to tolerate, understand, and stabilize the emotions of her lover.

What's even more rare is that Xu Yiyang is not without her own ideas and considerations, and she would argue with Huang Zitao about them. And for someone like Huang Zitao who has a bit of "self", arguing is actually a way for him to understand the outside world more quickly - instead of expressing it in a roundabout way, it is better to get straight to the point.

Just like Huang Zitao is not stingy in expressing his emotions, or in other words, for a man like him who is somewhat "selfish", intimate relationships are part of building himself, and he just wants to express his love out loud.

The famous "Ru Xue" master Jing Chao once said, "Each monkey has its own way of tying it." Huang Zitao responded several times after his relationship was exposed, and each time it was "clumsy" and horrible. Of course, he could have chosen a smarter way to respond, and such a response can actually be seen as his potential resistance to himself - because he had to deny it, so he chose a reason full of loopholes to deny it, which seemed to be no different from an official announcement.

Xu Yiyang has not responded, so there are many speculations, such as Xu Yiyang feels that Huang Zitao is not good enough, etc. In fact, this is just because compared with Huang Zitao, who is used to being recognized by others, Xu Yiyang does not have a high demand for the outside world to bless their relationship.

Although the personalities of these two people seem to be very different, their emotions complement each other subtly. Although Huang Zitao is selfish and emotional, he can relax and give himself to Xu Yiyang, who has a stable core. In Huang Zitao's inner script, Xu Yiyang is a girl who is well protected by him; in Xu Yiyang's emotional script, isn't Huang Zitao a big boy who is carefully cared for by her?