
Still using creme cannon? WBG lost miserably to TES, fans angrily criticized: BP is bad! Why do you keep helping


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In the BO3 match between TES and WBG in the LPL Summer Season, TES finally swept WBG 2-0 and won the first victory in the group match. WBG was beaten badly, which caused heated discussions after the game.


The comments below the WBG official blog are as follows. Many fans questioned WBG's tactics: Why do you always help the top lane? Can Breathe really carry? Always give such a high priority to the top lane, have you ever won by relying on the top lane? Why do you trust Breathe so much? There are also fans criticizing coach Dani: What does the BP in the second game mean? For Rumble, Sejuani and Tristana were released to TES. Rumble was selected in the bottom lane and the line lineup was selected. How should the jungler play?


Let's first briefly review this BO3. In the first game, Tarzan ganked the top lane and helped Breathe get the first blood. However, Tian ganked the bottom lane to gain an advantage and pushed down the first blood tower in the bottom lane. 369 also pushed down the first tower in the top lane. In the early stage, TES led by 3K in economy. In the middle stage, TES took down the first dragon at lightning speed. In the late stage, after TES took down the second dragon, they pushed forward from the top lane and killed four WBG players on the high ground, winning the first game.


In the second game, Tarzan still ganked the top lane and helped breathe Rumble get the first blood. TES then frantically targeted the bottom lane. JKL's EZ developed very well in the early stage. In the following team battles, TES relied on the better equipment and performance of the two Cs to win. In the early stage, TES pushed down 3 defense towers and led by 7K in economy. In the mid-term, after the two sides fought in the dragon pit, TES's damage was too high and killed four WBG players, and then took the first dragon. In the end, TES easily won the second game in only 23 minutes.


After the game, LPL official commentators Maomao and Ai Loli also talked about the reason for WBG's defeat. They believed that this BP allowed TES to get their best combination. Tristana and Sejuani were the most confident mid and jungle of TES. The bottom lane was still Ezreal and Fan Ma, which was really comfortable. The main reason for this game was that WBG's bottom lane had too many loopholes, which made the top, mid and jungle look okay, but the gap in team battles was too big. In this game, Liu Qingsong was slow to go online at level 1, which allowed the opponent to get stuck in position, and it was more difficult to fight later. In the first game, WBG failed to win the small team battle, and in the second game, the pressure was very high after the BP selection.


In the second game, WBG really let TES get too many comfortable heroes. T1 didn't dare to use Creme's Tristana when facing TES, but WBG did it directly. Although the victory in the second game had little to do with Tristana, it feels like the WBG coaching staff didn't study the opponent enough. Moreover, Breathe's Rumble started with a 3-0 lead. With Mercury's Boots and Red Crystal, Rumble didn't deal damage. Instead, TES's bottom lane had an early advantage and dealt crazy damage in teamfights. In 20 minutes, WBG fell behind by 10,000 economy and was beaten badly. The key for WBG is that they can't count on Breathe to be the C. The focus of the tactics is really wrong.


I feel that the teams behind are unlikely to give TES a Tristana and Sejuani in the mid and jungle, unless they don’t want to win. TES will start their northern expedition after winning this game. They are still in good shape. After returning from the Oil Cup, they finally have time to rest in the past few days. They will definitely be on the rise in the future. I hope they keep working hard!


So, what do you want to say about this game? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area.