
There is no Cheng Dieyi in the world, but Duan Xiaolou is everywhere in the world


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As Leslie Cheung’s lover, every time the three words “Tang Hede” appear in hot searches, they are related to his brother.

For example, in March this year, he posted on a social platform, "Today is Easter, really?", accompanied by a clip of his brother saying "I just want you to stay" in the movie, which made many netizens cry.

But this time, things are a little different.

Is he really "pretending to be affectionate"?

In the hot searches about Tang Hede, netizens mentioned several key words: "man with tattooed arms", "new love", and "surrogacy".

At first, some netizens discovered that Tang Hede and a man with tattoos appeared in the same photo at a meeting. Some netizens searched the tattooed man’s social platform and found that he had posted many photos with Tang Hede, and there was a suspected tattoo of the word "Tang" on his arm.

The man with tattoos is said to be 30 years younger than Tang Sheng. In many of the photos he posted, there are two little boys. Tang Hede has many videos of him interacting with children.

The earliest timeline of their interaction can be traced back to 2018. Netizens think that the relationship between the two is currently stable, and the man with tattoos is suspected to be Tang Hede’s new love.

As for the two children who frequently appeared in the photo, netizens speculated that they were born to a surrogate mother through Tang Hede and the man with tattoos. One of the reasons was that a woman who appeared in their photo claimed to be the children's "aunt", so she naturally could not be the children's biological mother.

Another reason to doubt is that in 2019, the man with tattoos shared a photo of himself holding a baby with the caption "Father's Love".

There are two points that really angered netizens. One is that a friend of the man with tattoos posted a message↓Everyone felt that this friend was being sarcastic and disrespectful to Leslie Cheung.

And every time he would choose a birthday or memorial day to post this, and he even posted "One day you will know that life will not be different without me" and "The easiest mistake in life is to regard death as the most beautiful scenery."

Another point is that netizens found out from the news that Leslie Cheung’s ashes were not buried, but remained in their Mount Kellett mansion at Tang’s insistence.

According to clues from Hong Kong media, the man with tattoos seems to be living in the house where Leslie Cheung lived with Tong Hok Tak during his lifetime. Also living with him are the "aunt" mentioned above and two children.

However, the netizens' speculations have not been confirmed so far, and the parties involved have not responded to any rumors. Only after the incident fermented, the man with tattoos shut down the social platform, and Tang Hede also set his social platform account to private.

However, when Chen Shufen came out to do a live broadcast at night, she was bombarded with barrages of comments and had to respond. She said intermittently: I don’t know this person, nor have I heard Tang talk about him, and it is not my personality to deliberately ask about other people’s privacy.

After she finished speaking, fans posted pictures in the comment section. It turned out that she had participated in an event with Tang Sheng and his new lover and took photos together. Tang Sheng and his new lover were standing in the C position, and Chen Shufen was sitting next to them.

So is Tang Hede’s annual posts on social media to commemorate Leslie Cheung just “disguised affection”?

Back then

In the relatively conservative late 1990s, when the news of Leslie Cheung and Tong Hok Tak dating came out, there was a lot of heated discussion in the outside world. Leslie Cheung was also very concerned at first and denied the relationship and the rumors.

But Tang Hede was really good to him. The two knew each other since childhood and met again in 1982. Tang Hede was already a financial practitioner with a good annual salary, while his brother was in a career slump for a while. When his brother was in the worst economic period, it was Tang Hede who lent him a hand and lent him several months' salary to help him through the difficult times.

In order to protect their relationship, Leslie Cheung left Hong Kong for Canada. Tang Sheng also applied for a transfer from the bank. The two spent some time as a "fairy couple" abroad. One day, Leslie Cheung's "singing addiction" struck, and he really wanted to come back to sing, so Tang Sheng followed him back to Hong Kong.

Finally, at a concert in 1997, Leslie Cheung sang "The Moon Represents My Heart" and dedicated it to his beloved "friend" Mr. Tang and his mother.

After this earth-shattering "coming out" declaration, Leslie Cheung and Tong Hok Tak were followed by paparazzi wherever they went. Once when the two were out on the street, they found that there were media nearby. Tong Hok Tak looked back, and Leslie Cheung naturally took Tong Hok Tak's hand. The moment became eternal, leaving behind the most classic photo of the two holding hands.

In the classic interview between Teresa Mo and Leslie Cheung, Leslie Cheung mentioned the reason why he liked Tang Sheng: "I like him because he is good and he treats me well."

"He will be unswerving to the people around him," and most importantly, "he knows his place."

In Leslie Cheung's eyes, Tong Hok Tak was someone who knew very well "what role to play at what time". Both of them were very busy and stressful in their lives and work, and Leslie needed someone to support him, and Tong Hok Tak was that person.

Not only did he provide enough emotional value, but he also provided enough wealth and assets. After their relationship was made public, Tang Hede resigned from his full-time job at a bank and focused on helping Leslie Cheung with financial investments, which increased his brother's wealth.

In 2003, Leslie Cheung committed suicide, shocking the whole city, and what was left for Tong Hok Tak was the media's "doubts" about their relationship.

At that time, a neighbor revealed that quarrels were often heard from Leslie Cheung's apartment in the middle of the night. When Leslie Cheung attended public events, Tang Sheng did not show up, but was replaced by a young assistant.

On April 3, Tang Hede was interviewed by the media outside his brother's residence. The Hong Kong media described him as "wearing a white bathrobe, his hair was fluffy, his eyes were red and swollen, and his tears were not dry, obviously he had cried bitterly." When faced with media questioning, he admitted that his brother had tried to commit suicide before and failed, but he was not willing to disclose the specific reason.

He also clarified the suspicion of the "third party". When asked, "Do you love your brother the most at this moment?", Tang Hede said excitedly, "Not just at this moment, but for so many years!" He also revealed that his brother's emotional instability had nothing to do with emotional matters, nor was it caused by filming a horror movie.

Later, at Leslie Cheung's funeral, Tang Hede was so heartbroken that he cried so hard that he needed someone to support him.

At that time, someone noticed his hanging hands and made a special gesture.

This was when my brother was filming "Loving You". There was an OK gesture in the play for pursuing a girl. Later he used this gesture to express his love to Tang Sheng, and "Loving You" was also the love song he gave to Tang Sheng.

It was Mr. Tang who finally decided to place his brother's ashes back in the apartment so that he could be with them day and night. Only the memorial tablet was placed in Po Fook Hill.

One year after Leslie Cheung's death, his wax figure was unveiled. Tong Hok Tak was present and the media wrote that he was "in good spirits, but his expression was solemn... his eyes remained longingly on the wax figure."

At the same time as this news, there was also the news that "Leslie Cheung left behind a legacy of NT$400 million, of which Mr. Tang received NT$200 million." Most of Leslie Cheung's assets were jointly held with Mr. Tang.

According to his brother's will, Tang Hede could inherit 200 million as a "widow", and the remaining 100 million was divided among Leslie Cheung's sister Zhang Luping and other family members and a driver.

In recent years, Tang Hede has been mainly engaged in various investments. In 2019, he sold a property and easily made 8.11 million.

In 2021, he sold another mansion worth hundreds of millions of dollars and has lived a worry-free life over the years.

These assets may be the last "love" his brother left to Tang Hede.

In an interview that year, Leslie Cheung mentioned that he had no sentimental attachment to his house, and the objects around him were of no importance to him. If a family member liked his clothes or his car, he would generously let them take them, and he didn't think it would have any impact on him.

To him, "people" are far more important than "things". What he cares about most is always friends and "love".

Why are fans disappointed?

I have no doubt that this past love was true. My brother's sudden departure was a heavy and real blow to Tang Sheng.

On his brother’s birthday in 2005, the media discovered that two “Soul Retention Houses” were pasted on the rear window of the mansion in Mount Cavour. The hope was to use this method to keep his brother. The family even went to Taiwan to participate in a “viewing the dead” ceremony in the hope of meeting his brother.

This pain is enough to move everyone.

A year and a half after Leslie Cheung's death, the media began to report that Tong Hok Tak had "found a new love", saying that he was playing tennis with a rich girl. Some fans were so angry that they stopped their car and angrily accused him of "falling in love with someone else" so quickly.

In response to this, Leslie Cheung's agent Chen Shufen said that the rumors were outrageous and that they were all just friends. The so-called fan was harassing Mr. Tang, and they might call the police if the other party appeared again.

I don’t know if it was the extreme behavior of some fans at that time that made Tang Sheng afraid to express his true feelings until now.

Ten years after Leslie Cheung passed away, Tong Hok Tak wrote a eulogy: "Ten years of life and death, I can't forget them without thinking about them. Time flies, but it never stops day and night. Life is impermanent, but love is eternal. Let us continue to love Leslie Cheung"...

In April, news came out again that Tang Hede had "come out of the haze" and had a new love.

At that time, the media described the man as a "young version of Leslie Cheung" who looked to be in his twenties. The two played badminton for two hours and left, one in front and one behind. However, the sharp-eyed Hong Kong media still noticed that the "young version of Leslie Cheung" helped Tang Tang get into the car, and even put his arm around her waist and shoulders, looking "quite considerate."

The scandal eventually came to nothing, but by then there were no more angry fans.

In 2015, Tang Hede opened an IG account and posted the famous hand-holding photo of him and Leslie Cheung on April 1, with the caption "We will be together through life and death, and I will hold your hand and grow old with you." This again made many netizens burst into tears, and the news about his "new love" disappeared.

So now that it is rumored that she is in love with a man with tattoos, the Hong Kong media’s headline is “Tang Hede, single for 21 years, is revealed to be in a new relationship”.

Some people compared him to Lin Moubin, who carved "wife and children in heaven" on his back while finding a new girlfriend. But who actually scolded Lin Moubin when he first announced that he had a new girlfriend? Most netizens expressed their blessings, understanding and respect from the bottom of their hearts, and were glad that he could finally get out of the pain of purgatory on earth.

The reason why he fell from grace was that, firstly, he was caught cheating on his wife, and secondly, he was accused by his mother-in-law, proving that his affection was fake and that coldness was his nature.

This time, the fans felt hurt in a different way. Fans never asked Tang Sheng to remain chaste or a widow for the rest of his life, but he would write texts and find old photos to post on Instagram on April 1 and September 12 every year to remind the whole of Hong Kong and all his fans to remember the love of the past.

Under his guidance, fans naturally identify with this endless affection. When fans believe that their idols are always loved and remembered by their loved ones, it is definitely a precious comfort for the sad fans.

So this time, the fans were disappointed to find that this rare deep affection was also mixed with industrial saccharin - your writing is full of love, and your life is wonderful. We can't blame Tang Sheng as an ordinary person, but we are disappointed with human nature itself.

Sister E’s conclusion:

From 2015 to now, Tang's Instagram has been full of content about remembering his brother. Although we ordinary people also miss our relatives at certain times every year, Mr. Tang has a special status. Every time he posts something, the content will be reposted by Hong Kong media and fans, and even become a hot topic.

It has been more than 20 years since his brother passed away, and Tang Sheng is now in his 60s. It is natural for him to start a new life, but Tang Sheng should be very clear that over the past 20 years, he has received not only his brother's legacy, but also the attention and love from his brother's friends and a large number of fans.

He may have always treated this attention and love as a project, so no matter how wonderful his life is, there is only affection on social platforms.

It's time to return this attention and love. If he wants to let everyone remember his brother in his own way, or if he can be more actively involved in organizing and participating in related memorial activities and pay attention to the dissemination of his works, then his fans will also be comforted.

I never doubt true feelings, but there has never been any eternal pure love warrior in the world. As netizens said, there are not many Cheng Dieyi in the world, but Duan Xiaolou are everywhere.

Today's topic is:

What do you think of Mr. Tang’s affection?

Come to the comment section and tell us~