
Phoenix reporter visits prisoner-of-war camp in Ukraine | Exclusive


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During the Russian-Ukrainian war, the outside world rarely knows about the prisoners of war because they are military secrets. The Ukrainian military recently allowed Phoenix TV to exclusively film a prisoner-of-war camp in western Ukraine. Phoenix TV reporters saw the prisoners' daily routine on site, and the Ukrainian side also hopes to exchange more prisoners of war with Russia as soon as possible.

Phoenix reporter visits prisoner-of-war camp in Ukraine: There are laundry rooms, bathrooms, churches... You can talk while eating, and your hands and feet are not bound

At 12 noon, the prisoners lined up to eat.Age from early twenties to gray hairThis is the first time that foreign media has entered this prisoner-of-war camp.Some prisoners looked at the reporter from Phoenix TV curiously. When they arrived at the cafeteria, the prisoners lined up to get their meals and sat down.Their lunch consisted of pickles, meat, bread and soup.

Ukrainian authorities allowed Phoenix TV reporters to have close contact with them and freely choose the interview subjectsMost of the Russian prisoners looked nervous.But someone told us thatYou can live a regular life here and watch TV.

Russian prisoner of war Kuleshov:

There is a clear schedule here, wake up, go to bed, breakfast, work, lunch. There is a break time, they give us cigarettes. Then there is dinner and private time, we watch TV, wash clothes, take a shower, etc. I used to call home from here, but rarely, about once every two months, they know where I am and what I am doing.

Kuleshov, 24, originally worked in a factory in Oryol, Russia, but was laid off due to international sanctions. He later joined the army with his friends. According to the on-site observation of Phoenix TV reporters,There were at least three or four hundred prisoners of war in this camp. Their hands and feet were not bound, and they could talk quietly while eating.

Ukraine also has at least one or two other prisoner-of-war camps in other locations.The Ukrainian side said that it provided prisoners of war with sufficient food and medicine.There is also a laundry room, bathroom and barber shop in the camp., there are also churches open every Sunday.

The Ukrainian military allowed Phoenix TV reporters to stay in the prisoner-of-war camp for a total of 5 hoursThey want to show the outside world that they abide by the Geneva Convention on the treatment of prisoners of war., treat prisoners of war humanely.The location, number and exact number of prisoners of war in the prisoner camps are kept secret., but it is believed that the number of prisoners of war in Ukraine is in the thousands.

Yatsenko, spokesman for the Ukrainian Office for Coordination of Treatment of Prisoners of War:

Now the flow of prisoners of war is more from the Russian side to the Ukrainian side, so every week a new group of Russian soldiers and officers are captured by our army, and we have hundreds and hundreds of them, and we have enough, completely enough Russian prisoners of war in Ukrainian detention centers to arrange the next prisoner exchange.

source:Phoenix TV Liu Bei reports from Kiev, Ukraine