
When renovating your house, don't listen to the workers' "nonsense". It's not hypocrisy, it's to avoid pitfalls.


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Renovating a house is a complex project that involves multiple types of work and links. Therefore, it is not only necessary to choose high-quality decoration materials, but also the decoration workers are crucial. The workers' construction technology and whether they are careful during construction will affect the final decoration effect.

However, some renovation workers will say some irresponsible "nonsense" in order to save trouble and cut corners during the construction process. These words may cause considerable losses to owners who do not know the business. This article will list some common "nonsense" to remind owners not to believe them easily during renovation:

① When laying tiles:

The worker said: "Don't lay it all over, it's a waste, the door sill must be installed"

actual:The design of the door sill is to block water from the bathroom or kitchen to the living room. On the other hand, it will save a lot of trouble for the decoration workers. Otherwise, the tile laying workers will be responsible for cutting, layout, seaming and other tasks, and they don’t have to level the ground on both sides. For the owner, it can save some money. Therefore, even if the owner prefers to lay tiles throughout the house, some workers will refuse the owner’s request for laying tiles throughout the house on the grounds of "wasting tiles" and "the door sill has to be installed" in order to save trouble.

personal opinion:In modern decoration, the threshold is indeed a bit outdated and ugly. It is more beautiful and grand to have the whole house paved, and the space appears larger. However, whether to have a threshold depends on the actual situation. If you can have the whole house paved, you don't need a threshold, butThe bathroom must still have a door stone

②When the tiles are butted together:

The worker said: "It's not necessary. Once the furniture is put in place, you can't see it at all."

actual:Aligning the seams is a technical requirement in laying tiles. It can make the overall effect more beautiful and improve the quality of the decoration. Especially after the whole house is laid, the alignment of the seams is particularly critical and has high construction requirements. Misaligned seams not only look bad, but also increase the loss of floor tiles. Some workers do not pursue meticulousness and want to save trouble. They paste tiles in any convenient way. After the tiles are laid, the owner finds that the seams are not aligned. At this time, the workers will make many excuses and are unwilling to re-lay. In fact, the tiler should accurately calculate the size and amount of tiles, cut the tiles, and ensure that the tile seams inside and outside the tiles are aligned.

personal opinion:In areas like the kitchen, where cabinets will be placed later and furniture will not be moved often, it is okay if the tiles are not aligned. But in areas like the bathroom, where the space is small and there is nothing to cover, the tiles must be aligned to make it look neater.

③When brushing putty:

The worker said: "Add glue so it won't crack later."

actual:Putty powder is added with glue, which makes it easier for workers to apply and can also reduce cracking. But you should know that putty powder also has different qualities. If it is prepared by a decorator and a large amount of glue needs to be added, then he will give you traditional putty powder. This semi-finished putty powder is not good, and you have to add glue yourself. The key is that you don’t know whether the quality of the glue is good or not. Inferior glues such as 901 and 801 often have heavy formaldehyde. The wall powder peeling off in the later stage is still a small matter, but affecting your health is a big problem.

personal opinion:Buy the finished putty from regular channels, which is odorless. The finished putty itself contains some glue, so there is no need to add additional glue. Now, glue like 801 has long been banned in the market. If you find that your home has workers bringing it, ask them to move it away immediately to prevent them from secretly adding it to you.

④ During hydropower transformation:

The worker said: "All the water and electricity lines in the house need to be replaced. The quality provided by the developer is very poor."

actual:Water and electricity renovation is a hidden project and also the most complicated project in decoration. It is not recommended to replace all the water and electricity lines in the house. The water pipes and wires that the developer has installed for us have been inspected and accepted by the developer, the supervisor, and the construction party. The quality is not as bad as you think. If there is a problem, the developer will be punished by the industry. Some workers said this purely to make money. Even if you really spend money to replace it, it may not necessarily be better than the original quality of the developer. It is not recommended to spend this money.

personal opinion:It is not necessary to replace all the water pipes and wires for water and electricity renovation. If the position of the pre-buried water pipes is unreasonable, you can just make corresponding modifications. Similarly, there is no need to replace the wires. According to your actual needs, you can change the number and location of water and electricity points to make them more practical.

In short, based on my own decoration experience, it is best not to choose a decoration worker who always talks back to you, or who does things his own way. No matter what you ask, he will refute and say that his many years of experience will not be wrong. Also try to avoid workers who speak dialect (not Mandarin), otherwise it will be really troublesome to communicate later. Anyway, decoration with a bad master is like a game, and sometimes it will be angry. I hope everyone can meet a real, responsible and easy-to-communicate master, and finally a foreman who understands design, which will save a lot of trouble.

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