
In a game where he could do anything, he chose the most painful way to play.


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Do you believe in "real companionship"?

What love at first sight, what "we've confirmed our eye contact, we've met the right person"... those are all lies to children. I no longer believe that such a good thing will happen to me - they're all illusions.

But my good friend Lao Wang has a completely different idea.

I don’t know whether to say it’s his innocence and naivety, or his firm belief in pure love, but my good buddy Lao Wang has expressed more than once his longing for the plot of “meeting a girl you like by chance and starting a heart-pounding story from then on” (especially after drinking too much).

Every time this happens, my friends and I would mercilessly criticize this unrealistic vision - it’s not that we can’t bear to see our brothers doing well, but looking at Lao Wang’s sloppy stubble, we really can’t imagine how kind this angel who is willing to "save" Lao Wang must be.

Until one day last year, when we were having a barbecue on the street and reminiscing about the past, Lao Wang dressed up unusually handsomely. Under my questioning, Lao Wang stammered out the truth: he met a special friend in the game and wanted to take this opportunity to change himself.

At this moment, my brain was spinning rapidly, trying to find a reasonable explanation for all these unreasonable things: It’s not like I haven’t met netizens before, but it’s rare for me to shave for the sake of losing weight and keeping fit for them.

Now it's all beyond words.

It was not until he handed me his phone to show me the chat history that I suddenly realized what was going on. Meanwhile, Lao Wang was talking about how he met this "friend".

To be precise, this good friend is actually Lao Wang’s “master” in the game, and the two are currently in a master-disciple relationship in the game.

What brought them together was "Against the Cold Current".

"True Love" Arrives

Let’s go back to last year.

At that time, "Ni Shui Han" had just launched a season server, and Lao Wang also got into the game at this time.

Of course, the game had been running for several years at this time, and all the mechanisms were already quite mature. Lao Wang, who had just entered the game and was completely unfamiliar with all the mechanisms, needed someone to help him out of his newbie dilemma.

It just so happened that he met his current master through the master-apprentice system. At first, Lao Wang just gradually got started with the game under the guidance of the other party, but as they spent more and more time together, Lao Wang and the other party became more and more familiar with each other, and slowly began to think about getting to know each other in the three-dimensional world.

"Let's put aside the other complaints. Are you really sure that the person on the other end is a girl? My hunky colleague is still a 14-year-old girl on QQ!"

How many Icelandic netizens are there on WeChat?

Lao Wang retorted: "What nonsense are you talking about? I don't have that idea!" Looking at Lao Wang who was defending himself seriously with a red face, the brothers at the scene smiled at each other and understood each other tacitly.

"It just happened to be a coincidence. She wanted to find someone to play with, and I wanted to find someone to take her with me! We just happened to know each other! It's that simple!"

I really wanted to complain about his feeble defense. But looking at his righteous appearance, I couldn't bear to expose his shady thoughts that he was unwilling to say.

Well, on the bright side, Lao Wang at least has a reason to stop being sloppy.

With the mentality of "respecting the fate of others", I continued chatting with him and learned that his master once brought his best friend to this world.

Thanks to the high-tech fashion, diverse and interesting gameplay, and high-definition visual presentation, Lao Wang's master once enjoyed wandering in this world, and even her best friend was gradually led by her into this world.

But as her bestie gradually returned to reality, she had fewer and fewer friends to play with, and she became more and more lonely in Ni Shui Han. One day, she happened to see Lao Wang's request for a mentor, and she remembered that she once had a mentor. Perhaps to make up for the regret, or perhaps out of enthusiasm to help, she and Lao Wang met.

By the way, the characters played by these two people are the opposite of reality. Lao Wang plays a female character, and the master plays a male character.

"You're right. So you started fantasizing even though you didn't know whether the person on the other side was a man or a woman?"

"Nonsense, we met and had dinner together at an official offline event not long ago!"

"And you still say you don't have that kind of thought?!"


Looking at Lao Wang's rosy face, the buddies felt indescribably relieved.

Long daydreams and heart-wrenching jokes

In the blink of an eye, Lao Wang and the master had known each other for several months.

Every time I asked him about it, Lao Wang would still stubbornly say something like "there's nothing going on between us", but every time he mentioned the master at a dinner party, he couldn't hide the slightly upturned corners of his mouth, which always made me feel that he was indeed in some ambiguous mood.

In the game, the master helped him study various PVP tactics, often took him to play the game to see the DPS, and they would even run into two of them taking pictures together. As for the master's warm-heartedness and companionship in the world, Lao Wang believed that they only lacked an opportunity to break through the window paper.

It's a bit of a shrimp in every sense.

But in the end, Lao Wang never got this opportunity.

One night a few months later, I was playing games at home when Lao Wang suddenly called me and asked me to go out for a drink.

It was still the same barbecue stall, but his uncharacteristic silence made me lose the mood to joke. I just accompanied him and drank bottle of beer in silence.

Until this 1.85-meter-tall man burst into tears.

"It's not that I don't know, and I'm willing to accompany her...but she said she doesn't want to play anymore...what's the point of saying all that...what should I do..."

He spoke in a vague tone and fragmented language. Normally, I would have laughed at his ugly drunken behavior, but at this critical moment, I could only say some comforting words.

"Hey, man, there's someone next to us..."

Perhaps in Lao Wang's imagination, he should have at least one "chance" to run for love, but all this came to an end with his master's A game.

The master left and the game was never launched again.

I never asked Lao Wang why she left, and Lao Wang never told me. I guess it was because of the busy work or too many things, and the fragile game social interaction could not withstand the reality, and eventually the avatar in the game stopped lighting up.

As for the heart-wrenching feeling that night, it was probably due to Lao Wang’s various attempts to keep me, and Master’s unwillingness and silence.

After the master left, Lao Wang gradually got into the game, his stubble and body fat percentage slowly returned to their previous "growth level", and he no longer mentioned her to me.

Perhaps he couldn't forget the care and heartfelt warmth from others in the virtual world, or the feeling of having someone to chat with and do tasks with was too wonderful, or maybe Lao Wang wanted to forget it all completely, and he almost did it.

It was not until the anniversary celebration of "Against the Water" not long ago that he unexpectedly received news from his master again.

Fantasy about reunion

The official social media was promoting the anniversary event with great fanfare. New servers, new joint costumes, and the opening of the Time Gallery, allowing players to see every bit of their experience in the game over the past few years. The "Sweet Dream Heart" party that night was also very lively.

That night, the fireworks were brilliant. Perhaps if the government were given a large park, they could also set off fireworks to celebrate the anniversary until the whole city was as bright as day.

The news of the new expansion pack is even more exciting, with new "Kunpeng theme" costumes, new exploration gameplay, and new songs sung by Tan Weiwei, which is full of sincerity. I also saw many old players returning to the game, and many new players followed them into the pit, and the old players were keen to form a master-apprentice team with them. It is really not easy for the game to be so lively after so many years.

It is said that Tianji Island has also undergone some new changes in this update

Perhaps at some point, he had accepted the fact that he would never meet his master again, and this excitement had nothing to do with Lao Wang anymore.

If there wasn't that news.

"are you still there?"

A text message came, and Lao Wang saw that the master's profile picture was no longer gloomy.

According to what Lao Wang said later, the two agreed to meet on the Hongqiao Bridge in Bianjing. There were players coming and going nearby, but they quickly found each other.

The anniversary fireworks bloomed beside the Hongqiao Bridge. People gathered around the bridge and looked at the night sky illuminated by the fireworks. Lao Wang and his master looked at each other, with a thousand kinds of thoughts pulling at the night sky covered with fireworks, as if time had stood still.

Lao Wang's language was fragmented at the time. As a writer, it's normal for me to polish it up a bit.

"I'm back, sorry."


Regarding what happened that day, Lao Wang said that he and his master didn’t actually talk much.

Lao Wang did not ask about the reason behind the so-called separation, and the master did not take the initiative to mention it. It may be a whim, or it may be destined. In my opinion, maybe it was just this anniversary celebration that reminded her of the past days, but Lao Wang hoped that the master's return was his unforgettable thought, and finally it had an answer. Although the first appearance was most likely an accidental encounter, the second meeting must be a fateful meeting.

After hearing the story, I was suddenly delighted to find that Lao Wang seemed to have shaved his beard again.