
Only 4.66MB, the Android version of Claude is available for download today! The AI ​​application landscape has been completed


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New Intelligence Report

Editor: Editorial Department

【New Wisdom Introduction】Anthropic releases Claude chatbot for Android! Bringing the most advanced AI model Claude 3.5 Sonnet to Android users around the world, challenging ChatGPT's dominance.

Claude Android app released!

Anthropic, the company behind the popular Claude AI chatbot, has announced the launch of its first official Android app.

The Android army rejoices, Finally! We can finally use Claude on our mobile phones.

Anthropic's unexpected release surprised netizens, and its approach of "shipping first, hyping later" also made netizens very happy. In comparison, OpenAI next door was inevitably criticized in the comment section.

Everyone rushed to the app store, and as of the time of writing, it has been downloaded more than 10k times.

Moreover, the app is very lightweight, only 4MB, and netizens called it "beautiful!"

So far, the app has received a good response, with a five-star review in the comments section:

Netizens excitedly expressed that Claude has now joined the AI ​​mobile application luxury package.

There are even Claude's fans who claim that ChatGPT's status is about to be lost.

Similar calls are growing, and with the support of the Android app, "Claude will easily kick ChatGPT out."

Some netizens were also surprised at the lightweight of the Claude mobile app, which is only 3MB but can handle dozens of GB of work.

I didn’t expect that the Android version of Claude is only 3MB. I can’t even remember what other apps I downloaded that were that small before.

Some strict netizens also suggested that Claude should not be proud and that there is still room for improvement.

More strict netizens said that they were used to the PWA (Progressive Web Apps) version, and although Android was smooth, its functions were not as good as the PWA version.

In addition, there are many sharings from other industry insiders and technology editors on X——

The launch of Claude Android version is considered big news for AI enthusiasts!

In order to gather popularity for Claude, some posters even listed many reasons why people have to download Claude, which shows that they are true fans.

In fact, the one who should be most happy is the AI ​​manufacturer Anthropic. The launch of the Android version of the app is an important strategic move.

There are more than 3 billion active Android devices in the world (not including Android users in mainland China). Anthropic is launching its products into this vast market with the goal of rapidly expanding its user base and challenging OpenAI's dominance in the AI ​​assistant market.

AI is developing rapidly, and timing is critical.

The industry is currently at an inflection point, where user cultivation and real-world data collection are becoming increasingly important for improving AI models and winning market share.

Claude’s entry into the Android ecosystem could be a catalyst that further accelerates the adoption of AI assistants on mobile platforms and influences user expectations of these technologies.

Main features of the Android app

The features available on the Claude Android app and iOS app are consistent, providing users with a smooth multi-platform experience.

Anthropic's official website states that the app is free, but some advanced features are only available to paying users. They also said that the company plans to regularly update the app and add new features as the artificial intelligence model develops.

The main features of the current Claude Android App include:

  • Top AI model support: Users can use Anthropic’s top AI model Claude 3.5 Sonnet for free.

  • Sync across devices: Users can synchronize their conversations with Claude across different devices, including network connections, iOS and Android apps, for a seamless experience.

  • Vision capabilities: Users can take photos or upload files to the app for real-time image analysis.

  • Multilingual processing: Real-time language translation helps users communicate and work in multiple languages.

  • Advanced Reasoning: Claude can assist with complex tasks, such as analyzing contracts on the go or conducting market research for a meeting.

In addition, enterprise users can access their Claude accounts through mobile devices, which provides flexibility and convenience for enterprise users.

All in all, Claude Android version is powerful enough for both personal use and professional tasks.

Users can use Claude to draft business proposals, translate menus while traveling, provide gift ideas, or write speeches, etc., to meet various needs.

Claude's killer feature: image analysis

In addition to the basic functions mentioned above, the Claude Android app includes several features tailored for mobile use, including a more simplified interface, support for offline mode for certain functions, and integration with the Android share menu for easy cross-app access.

Anthropic also said it has optimized Claude's language model to run efficiently on mobile devices without affecting performance.

Of particular note, the Android app introduces “Claude Vision” – a new image analysis tool.

Claude Vision allows users to upload photos for Claude to describe and analyze. This feature fully utilizes Claude's multimodal artificial intelligence capabilities and provides practical applications for mobile users.

For example, students can snap a picture of a complex graph or equation and have Claude explain it in simpler terms.

In work scenarios, professionals can use Claude Vision to quickly extract text from documents or business cards.

By bringing sophisticated image analysis technology to mobile devices, Claude Vision expands the functionality of the app, and with this powerful tool, Claude is redefining mobile AI capabilities.

Mobile AI Showdown: Claude vs. GPT

Although Anthropic claims that its AI model is technically comparable to products from OpenAI and Google, Anthropic still has room for improvement in attracting users.

For example, the Claude iOS app, which was released two months ago, received only more than 150,000 global downloads in its first week, while the ChatGPT iOS app reached 480,000 installations in its first five days on the market.

It can be said that the release of Claude Android version comes at a critical moment in seizing the artificial intelligence assistant market.

While OpenAI’s ChatGPT has become the chatbot king and attracted more than 100 million users, Anthropic’s Claude has been steadily gaining ground.

The Android launch could be Claude’s best chance to close the gap with ChatGPT in mobile traffic and user adoption. Claude has earned a solid reputation for its more nuanced responses and superior performance in complex reasoning tasks.

Increased exposure and user base would lead to more subscriptions and revenue, potentially helping Anthropic invest in further research and development to improve Claude's performance.

And, unlike some of its competitors, Anthropic adheres to a strict privacy policy and does not use users’ data to train its models.

This approach makes Claude stand out in an increasingly privacy-focused market and will attract a group of users and businesses that are concerned about data and privacy leaks.

Back then, Dario Amodei, who was working at OpenAI, chose to leave and create Anthropic because he had different ideas about security and user privacy from the company.

Today, Anthropic itself has reached a point where it is faced with a choice. How to balance the need for performance enhancement and the commitment to user privacy is not only a challenge that Anthropic needs to solve, but also a key watershed in the fierce competition in the field of artificial intelligence.

Reshaping the future of AI mobile devices

Research firm Canalys predicts that as artificial intelligence technology continues to evolve, by 2027, the market share of AI mobile phones will account for 45% of the entire smartphone market.

This forecast indicates that the widespread application of AI technology in the field of mobile devices will become a major trend in the next few years, bringing users a smarter and more personalized mobile phone experience.

It is foreseeable that the battle for AI assistants on mobile devices will further enter a white-hot stage, and in the coming months, all eyes will be on usage metrics and user feedback.

For Anthropic, successfully rolling out Claude on Android could be the key to challenging OpenAI's dominance and consolidating its market share.

Ultimately, it may not be about who has the largest user base, but who can strike the perfect balance between technological innovation and consumer trust.
