
Ultraman Gates bets on AI mining, which can supply hundreds of millions of car batteries


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Let AI go prospecting, and it actually found something!

A company in California, USA, used AI technology to find a super copper mine, and the amount discovered is enough to produce 100 million electric vehicle batteries!

In the intelligent era of energy shortage, a project includes AI technology and energy exploration, and the buffs are stacked.

Prior to this, the company was known for itsAIandEnergy ExplorationThe two hot technologies attracted a large number of bigwigs to invest, including Gates, Altman, Bezos, Jack Ma, and Masayoshi Son...

What kind of technology is so awesome?

AI Data Analysis

KoBold Metals' team of experts collected a vast amount of geological data, first providing a rich information basis for locating mineral deposits, and then used algorithms to analyze the data to predict areas where mineral deposits may be found.

Then, radars carried by aircraft and satellites are used to conduct detailed remote sensing surveys of the predicted area. The data obtained is combined with previous geological data to form a comprehensive data set. This comprehensive data is then input into the AI ​​system for in-depth analysis, thereby ultimately confirming the precise location of the mineral deposit.

Muon Detector

In addition to using AI data analysis technology, KoBold Metals also uses muon detectors in mineral exploration.

However, it is generally used inAfter determining the precise location of the mineral depositIt is able to penetrate rock and soil below the surface and use the penetration and attenuation properties of subatomic particles called muons to detect underground structures.

Muons are secondary particles produced by the interaction of cosmic rays with the Earth's atmosphere. They can reach the surface and penetrate deep underground. Since different substances absorb and scatter muons to different degrees, by measuring the attenuation of muons, the density distribution of underground materials can be inferred (just like taking an X-ray of the earth).

By the way, the technology of muon detectors has been used for great things before, such as detecting the location of tombs in the Egyptian pyramids and finding the precise location of some illegal cross-border tunnels.

△The New York Times

TerraShed Database

As mentioned earlier, KoBold Metals' team of experts collected a large amount of geological data, and they established a TerraShed database specifically for this data.
It can be simply understood as a very large and constantly updated"Earth Skeleton Development Report"

This information mainly comes from the large amount of geological reports, maps, geophysical and geochemical data collected by KoBold Metals before and after exploration, and is integrated and processed in the TerraShed database to form a unified geological information view.

In addition, the TerraShed database also supports 3D geological modeling. By converting the 2D data in the database into a 3D spatial model, it helps geologists observe the distribution of underground ore more intuitively.

“TerraShed contains approximately 3% of the world’s available geological data,” said Kurt House, CEO of KoBold Metals.

△The New York Times

In general,KoBold Metals is changing the way mining is done.

Over the past 100 years, mining technology has not changed much, and finding new mines has become increasingly difficult and expensive. But now, KoBold Metals has used artificial intelligence and big data, which is like installing a super brain in mining, and has found a new way to mine faster and more cheaply.

What is KoBold Metals?

KoBold Metals is a mining startup based in Silicon Valley. Its founding team consists of scientists and engineers from Google, NASA and many well-known technology companies. It has rapidly emerged as a unicorn company in the industry with its innovative technical methods and remarkable exploration results.

Co-founder and CEO Kurt House is also the principal and co-founder of C12 Energy, LLC.

KoBold Metals has a group ofWorld-class investors, including well-known figures such as technology giant Bill Gates, Amazon founder Bezos, Alibaba's Jack Ma, SoftBank's Masayoshi Son, as well as top investment institutions such as Breakthrough Energy Venture Capital Fund, Prism, a16z and the Norwegian National Petroleum Company.

KoBold Metals focuses on the rapid growth in demand for metals in wind and solar power generation, power transmission and electric vehicle manufacturing, and is actively positioning itself around this trend in order to gain an advantage and achieve profitability in the supply of new energy materials.

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