
Qi Gong: How to learn calligraphy well?


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1. Choose your own posts

It is best to "make your own decision" when learning calligraphy. Choose a few models, compare them together, and choose the one you like best to learn and practice. For example, if you want to learn regular script, you can choose from Ouyang Xun's "Jiucheng Palace", Yan Zhenqing's "Duobao Pagoda", and Liu Gongquan's "Xuanmitu". On the contrary, if you learn according to the models specified by others, or only learn the calligraphy of your instructor, it is possible that it will not suit your taste and hobbies, and the more you learn, the less interested you will be, or even disgusted. Choose the best and don't be greedy for too much, and be willing to give up what you like.

2. Word formation is the most important

The key to the beauty and artistry of Chinese calligraphy lies in its structure and writing brush. Calligraphy should start with the formation of characters. When writing, attention should be focused on the position of the strokes that make up the character, and the direction, angle, distance, density, etc. of each stroke should be handled properly. If the position, angle, and distance of the strokes that make up the entire character are correct and "accurate", it will look good. It is not determined by the vividness and changes of the shape of a certain stroke. When writing, pay attention to the overall image and the proportional relationship of the structure first tight and then loose (or tight on top and loose on the bottom, tight on the left and loose on the right, small on the top and large on the bottom, narrow on the top and wide on the bottom; small on the left and large on the right, narrow on the left and wide on the right).

3. Hold a pen like holding chopsticks

How you hold chopsticks to pick up food is how you hold a pen to write - this is a very simple and scientific good experience confirmed by practice. Don't blindly follow the pen holding methods handed down from generation to generation, and dare to break the incorrect rules and regulations. Never hold the pen tightly, otherwise it will be very difficult to turn and move when writing, and the strokes will inevitably be rigid and stiff, and it will be difficult to control the weight, speed and speed, and the words will be neither natural nor varied. When writing, pay more attention to the straightness of the stroke trajectory and the proportional position between the strokes, and don't just pay attention to the shape changes of the strokes.

4. Draw a circle first

Before writing, hold the pen and draw a circle in the air. If the characters to be written do not exceed this circle, it means that the height of your pen holding, whether you lift your wrist or suspend your elbow, etc., are in line with the requirements and are natural. For example, when writing small characters, you can draw a small circle even if your wrist is attached to the paper; if you write large characters, you need to draw a suitable large circle. If you do not suspend your wrist and elbow, you cannot draw it. Therefore, when writing, there is no fixed standard for the height of the pen holding, whether the wrist should be lifted, whether the elbow should be suspended, and to what extent. It should be determined according to the size of the characters to be written.

5. Shadowing is investigation

Beginners can practice by covering the model copybook with transparent paper or film. (When writing on the film, a little washing powder or soap must be added to the ink.) There are two methods: one is to cover the copybook with paper and write directly with a brush; the other is to cover the copybook with paper and first write the central backbone of each stroke with a single-line pen (such as pencil, ballpoint pen, fountain pen). On this basis, the "meat" of each stroke is processed on the backbone of the thin line. This is called indirect writing. The advantage of shadow copying is as the ancients said: "It is easy to get the position by copying." Not only can you experience the subtle changes in the strokes and structure of the characters in the copybook and achieve "accuracy", but you can also check whether your own writing is correct in terms of word formation and pen use. If there is a problem, it is easy to correct it.

6. It is good to overcome one word every day

Don't practice too long every day, and don't practice too many words. It's generally better to choose four or five words, but you need to focus on memorizing one, just like learning a foreign language and memorizing words, don't be greedy for more. Persist in 365 days a year, even if you can only remember 300 words, in three years you will have memorized nearly a thousand words, and the skills you practice in this way will be very solid. Some people practice calligraphy very hard, writing 100 words a day, 1,000 words in ten days, and still feel it's not enough; or they write from morning to night, copying from the beginning to the end without missing a word, and constantly copying... One-sided pursuit of writing quantity, only hands without brains will not be good.

7. Kung Fu is not just about practice

Practicing calligraphy is not like building a house, where you have to lay a solid foundation first. While practicing regular script, you can also insert some cursive script, which will be more helpful for writing regular script well and understanding the relationship between the strokes in regular characters. "When writing regular script, you should imitate the running script, so that the dots and strokes look back and forth, and then they will not be dull." The regular script written in this way is lively, avoiding writing regular script as a "dead" regular script with no connection between each stroke. "When writing running script, you should imitate the regular script, so that the positions are gathered and scattered, and then they will not lose the degree." This means that when practicing cursive script, the basic relationship between the overall shape of the character and the distance and position between the strokes must conform to the principles of regular script, otherwise it will lose the rules and the character will not be beautiful. If the cursive script, especially the cursive script, is unrecognizable and a mess, it is not calligraphy art.

8. Words are afraid of standing up

Hang the finished calligraphy on the wall, take a few steps back and look at it, its advantages and disadvantages will be clear at a glance; and you can grasp the whole, and easily find out whether the proportions between the main content, the signature, and the seal of the work are appropriate, and whether the whole composition is arranged properly, coordinated or not, natural or not, etc. If you feel good when you stand it up, then you have really learned it.

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