
Fantasy Westward Journey: Elite Warriors Finals: Jiuli City is still the must-win for the champion


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Recently, the 2024 Elite and Brave Groups Season 3 Finals officially opened. In the Elite and Brave Groups, Jiuli City performed very well and achieved surprising results one after another. Now, let's review it!

1. Elite Group: [If You Are the One] won the championship

In the ban and pick phase of the Elite Group Finals, [If You Are the One] was banned from Putuo and Jiuli, and [Spread Your Wings] was banned from Hades and Jiuli. Since Jiuli is currently the top output hero in the Elite Group, [If You Are the One] will most likely choose the auxiliary Shenmu to match Jiuli City if Putuo is banned, and [Spread Your Wings] will not be able to use the point kill system to restrict Jiuli City.

[If You Are the One] (spectator) uses a "point kill" system consisting of "daughter, auxiliary Shenmu, two Jiuli, Hades", while [Spread Wings and Fly] (opponent) uses a "black technology" lineup consisting of "daughter, two Nvba, Jiuli, Putuo". In terms of the lineup system, the output and pet clearing capabilities of the [If You Are the One] lineup are better than those of [Spread Wings and Fly], but [Spread Wings and Fly] can rely on the burst damage of the two Nvba and Jiuli City to suppress and limit the opponent's output.

After the match started, [If You Are the One] used the output advantage of the two Jiuli to continuously kill [Spread Wings] Jiuli City, greatly reducing its output capacity. In the 8th round of the match, [If You Are the One]'s two Jiuli attacked again, overwhelmed [Spread Wings]'s Nv Ba Mu who was summoned by the death, making it unable to execute the summoning tactics.

When the game entered the middle and late stages, [Spread Wings and Fly] relied on the Yang Guardian Pet to pull up the Nv Ba Tomb and began to implement the "pull the vengeful spirit to summon the phantom demon" strategy, but [If You Are the One]'s death summoning pet was very powerful and hit [Spread Wings and Fly] again in the 15th round to kill the Nv Ba Tomb. In the face of such suppression, [Spread Wings and Fly] not only had limited output capabilities, but also could not continue to execute the phantom demon summoning strategy. After struggling for 5 rounds, it was defeated by [If You Are the One].

2. Bravery Group: [Typing Champion] won the championship

In the ban and pick phase, [Deyun Haozi] was banned from Daughter and Jiuli, and [Typing Champion] was banned from Huasheng and Jiuli. Judging from the ban and pick results alone, both sides can use the "point kill" system, but because [Deyun Haozi] was banned from Daughter Village, he has a certain disadvantage in lineup selection.

[Typing Champion] (spectator) used a "point kill" system consisting of "Assisting Shenmu, Hades, Daughter, Jiuli, and East China Sea", while [Deyun Haozi] (opponent) chose a "point kill" system consisting of "Flower and Fruit, Hades, Daughter, Huasheng, and East China Sea". In terms of the opening situation, [Typing Champion] got the highest speed in the whole game, and his output ability was slightly stronger than [Deyun Haozi].

After entering the game, [Deyun Haozi] relied on his physical speed advantage to continuously suppress [Typing Champion]'s Jiuli City, making it difficult for him to organize an effective kill. In the 22nd round of the game, [Typing Champion] made a desperate move and decisively pulled up Jiuli City to use Lingbao to cooperate with Donghaiyuan Lingbao to kill, successfully taking away [Deyun Haozi]'s daughter village in the Arhat state, and regaining the rhythm advantage in one fell swoop.

Afterwards, [Typing Champion] began to focus on suppressing [Deyun Haozi] Huaguoshan, making it unable to effectively output while ensuring its own safety. In the 35th round of the game, [Typing Champion] once again relied on Jiuli and Donghaiyuan Lingbao to successfully kill [Typing Champion] Huasheng Temple. After this wave of killing, [Typing Champion] quickly pulled out the instant magic Xumi to clear the field and won the championship of the Brave Group.

Game Summary

Judging from the competition situation of the Elite Group and the Brave Group, even if everyone is very targeted at Jiuli City in the ban and pick stage, the auxiliary Shenmu can solve this problem very well. It can only be said that Jiuli City, which has multiple output stages, is the strongest output sect at the moment. As long as the lineup is properly matched, it can play a miraculous effect. It is not a dream to defeat the strong with the weak!