
Comparison between Sun Xiaoyun's works in the National Exhibition 30 years ago and the current level


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Everyone likes Sun Xiaoyun's calligraphy. Everyone knows that her calligraphy has a fresh and refined style, especially her regular script, which has a unique aesthetic feeling. It not only retains the essence of traditional calligraphy, but also has its own characteristics. The award-winning works in the national exhibition more than 30 years ago give people a refreshing feeling. Who would have thought that her calligraphy is so powerful? Compared with now, has it improved? Now, let us take a closer look at the series of award-winning works she won in the China Art Exhibition more than 30 years ago.

Judging from her previous award-winning works, especially those in the Fourth National Exhibition, her techniques are very clear and she uses them very skillfully, especially the styles of the "Four Masters of Song Dynasty" and especially the style of Su Shi, which is simply a brand-new style. However, the contrast between light and dark is much stronger, and there is also a unique feature, such as the contrast between light and dark and the appearance of large pieces. This processing effect highlights the visual characteristics and the effect of contrast, giving people a strong visual impact. At the same time, we also found that each character has a unique curvature. This curvature is not large, but it has a unique beauty, leaning forward and backward, full of momentum.

Judging from these words, overall, they still have the running script style of Yan Zhenqing, with delicate brushstrokes and swift strokes. There is a sense of casualness, naturalness and freshness. When writing, there is a notable feature, that is, when writing, a large number of dots and strokes are processed using the brushwork of regular script, which has a more solemn feeling. This may be his unique understanding of running script, and in today's calligraphy, we will find that his brushstrokes are fuller, more free and easy, and more natural.

Compared with today's calligraphy, especially running script, we can see that her calligraphy, while paying attention to tradition, emphasizes more on her own personality and style. I wonder if you have this understanding. The author feels that compared with today's calligraphy, her personal style is more mature and perfect. What do you think? Share your knowledge and understanding with everyone.