
"Zhihu AI Pioneer Salon" Shenzhen Station: Exploring New Trends in Large Model Applications


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On July 14, the third "Zhihu AI Pioneer Salon" was held in Shenzhen. Zhihu invited many AI industry practitioners, experts, and scholars to gather together to discuss the new trend of large model applications with the most cutting-edge views and the most professional thinking.

The theme of this salon is "Exploration". Zhang Ronglue, senior vice president and head of community business of Zhihu, attended the event and delivered a speech. Ma Yi, dean of the School of Computing and Data Science of the University of Hong Kong, Luo Xuan, co-founder of RWKV Yuanshi Intelligence, Zhang Hongbo, chief scientist of the Basic Software Center of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Digital Economy Research Institute, and Chen Xiaochun, director of technical strategy planning of OPPO AI Center, gave keynote speeches on topics such as the nature of artificial intelligence and the combination of end-side models and hardware.

Zhang Rongle, Senior Vice President and Head of Community Business at Zhihu

In his speech, Zhang Rongle said that Zhihu is the community with the highest density of AI practitioners and entrepreneurs, and is also the first discussion forum in the AI ​​industry. "Zhihu is a witness to the development of AI and an important participant in the industry." Zhang Rongle introduced that in 2023, Zhihu released "Zhihaitu AI", and was one of the first companies to release a large Chinese language model. In June 2024, it officially launched the AI ​​search product "Zhihu Direct Answer". At present, the large model industry is turning to application implementation, and AI search is the hottest track. "Zhihu Direct Answer" has the advantages of community content and strict traceability. It not only lists all reference sources, but also indicates the source at the paragraph level and even sentence level. Once released, it has attracted much attention. "From basic large models to functional applications, Zhihu has always been at the forefront of the industry." Zhang Rongle said that Zhihu will always walk with pioneers to explore the path of AI development together.

Ma Yi, Dean of the School of Computing and Data Science at the University of Hong Kong, made a live connection

Ma Yi is the first dean of the School of Computing and Data Science at the University of Hong Kong and the founder of Engram. In his online speech entitled "Exploring the Essence of Intelligence", Ma Yi started from the history of biological evolution and explained that biological evolution and the development of human science and civilization are closely related to the mechanism of intelligence. He said: "Biological intelligence has evolved from relying on group genetic inheritance and natural selection to individuals with acquired learning and adaptive intelligence. The history of human civilization is the history of the development of human intelligence." When talking about his thoughts on the future of artificial intelligence, he said that the fundamental reason why life depends on intelligence is the predictability of the world. This inspires AI research and applications to rethink underlying issues such as "what to learn", "how to learn", and "how to learn correctly".

Luo Xuan, co-founder of RWKV Yuanshi Intelligence

The "volume model" that started in 2023 is transitioning to "volume application", and "where is the next opportunity for AI to explode" has become a hot topic among industry insiders. In his speech "The Next Opportunity for AI Explosion: End-side Model + Hardware", Luo Xuan reviewed the development of AI from perceptrons to expert systems, neural networks and large models, and pointed out the problems with cloud models, including long response time, high computing power costs and data privacy risks. "Therefore, there is a huge opportunity for end-side models plus hardware." Luo Xuan believes that end-side models have the potential to become the next generation of AI operating systems and will lead the next generation of AI applications.

Zhang Hongbo, Chief Scientist of Basic Software Center of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Digital Economy Research Institute

In his speech "Are existing programming languages ​​sufficient in the AI ​​generation era?", Zhang Hongbo analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of Python, the most popular programming language at present, and introduced the characteristics that programming languages ​​should have in the AI ​​era. "In the AI ​​era, we need a new programming language." Zhang Hongbo took MoonBit as an example to introduce the intelligent integration of the platform and the big model, and believed that MoonBit is expected to become a world-class programming language. "Domestic basic software will definitely succeed. The key lies in daring to innovate, rather than always following." Zhang Hongbo said.

Chen Xiaochun, Director of Technical Strategy Planning, OPPO AI Center

Chen Xiaochun from OPPO shared the thoughts and explorations of the mobile phone industry in the AI ​​era. On the occasion of its 20th anniversary, OPPO released the concept of AI mobile phones, aiming to combine the most cutting-edge technology with user functions. "Mobile phones are currently the most suitable carrier for AI." Chen Xiaochun introduced that mobile phones have powerful processors, good network connectivity and function management, as well as the most user-friendly interaction habits at this stage. Not only can they help users handle trivial matters, but they can also provide personalized knowledge and services to enhance user experience.

Roundtable Discussion

After the keynote speeches of the guests, the "Zhihu AI Pioneer Salon" also held a roundtable discussion with the theme of "Facing the new wave of technology, how to find a good direction for product implementation?" hosted by Liu Fei, product manager and anchor of "Three Five Rings" and "Half Latte", with dialogues with ThinkAny founder Ai Dou Bi, Kingsoft Office senior technical director Chen Liang, Meitu senior product director Lu Weiying and Dify.AI co-founder Yan Junchen. AI search is the hottest application at the moment. Ai Dou Bi shared his thoughts on deciding to make an AI search product in person under the background of the giants' layout; Dify.AI is the Gen-AI application development and operation platform with the fastest global growth rate of GitHub Stars in the past six months. Yan Junchen talked about the new trends observed from the developer community and corporate customers; as a representative of Kingsoft Office, Chen Liang shared how to coordinate cooperation between different departments in the company to promote the implementation of AI technology on the product side; Lu Weiying from Meitu talked about how to judge the market potential of AI products and related experience in development. Finally, the guests looked forward to the next direction of AI applications together.

Since the rise of the big model industry, whenever there is technological progress and industry dynamics, relevant practitioners will gather on Zhihu to discuss. It is understood that as of June 30, 2024, Zhihu has accumulated 5.6 million AI-related content and more than 870,000 questions; the number of authors who have participated in the creation of AI-related content is nearly 1.69 million, of which 45,192 are professional authors with blue label professional identity certification, an increase of more than 130% compared to 2023.