
The more "full" these three places in the home are, the more blessings will be prosperous. This is not superstition, but the experience summarized by the elderly.


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It is said that home is a safe haven, but if it is too empty, people will feel that there is a lack of life, which is not a good thing!

Take these three places in the house for example. It is actually not recommended to leave them too empty, as it will give people a feeling of withering and desolation!

——The living room should not be too "empty"

The living room is basically the place in the home where the family is most willing to stay together. Watching TV and chatting together can not only make the home lively, but also promote the feelings between family members and make the home atmosphere more warm!

If you do something to make your living room more like a living room, and discard some important furniture or items, after a long time, everyone will find it boring and just play with their own things, and the feeling of desolation will come all of a sudden.

Even when you are alone at home, looking at the empty living room, the feeling of desolation is unbearable. It will seem unpopular. Living in such an environment, you really can't feel the warmth of home, and it loses a lot of meaning!

The living room can be clean and tidy, but you cannot remove the coffee table and TV cabinet just to make cleaning easier. If possible, putting a few pots of green plants will make it more lively!

——The bedroom should not be too "empty"

One-third of the day is spent in bed in the bedroom, so the bedroom is also very important to us!

If the bedroom is very empty and does not give people a warm and soft feeling, it will not be easy to fall asleep even if lying on the bed. It will not give people a sense of security and make people sleep uneasy!

The bedroom is a place to relax and rest, so it must be decorated warmly and comfortably! As long as there are not too many things that look messy, you can put your favorite ornaments and aromatherapy in the bedroom. Seeing that you are surrounded by your favorite things will make you feel safe and improve your sleep to a certain extent!

——The kitchen should not be too empty

The kitchen is where we usually cook. In fact, you can also feel how popular the family is by looking at it from the side! If there are a lot of pots and pans in the kitchen, all kinds of seasonings, kitchen appliances, and they are all neatly arranged, it means that someone cooks often and the atmosphere is very strong.

Of course, you can’t put all kinds of things randomly in the kitchen, which will make it look a bit messy. You can have a lot of things, but they must be placed neatly, so that people can feel comfortable when looking at them, and they will be happy when cooking.

But if the kitchen is empty, although it is very clean, it will make people feel that there is no breath of life. It also reflects that there are few people at home, either not at home or usually ordering takeout. In short, it lacks a bit of the fireworks that a home should have.