
5 types of summer mats are fading out of Chinese households. Let’s see who is still following the trend!


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Cool mats are the most popular and most watched household item in summer. With the progress of the times, various types of "new cool mats" have quietly entered the market, among which there are many "scam cool mats". Consumers think that they will be "really delicious" when they buy them home, but after using them they find that the experience is "hard to describe"!

The following is a summary of the disclosure for everyone5 representative "cheating summer mats", they are fading out of Chinese families. Although these mats are not expensive, they are actually“Can’t afford it, can’t use it”

The "unaffordable" here refers to some "silent costs" generated by subsequent use, such as not being cool at all, resulting in idle waste, or being easily damaged and needing to be replaced after a short period of use, or even worse, directly endangering health... Let's see who is still following the trend?

The first one: 100% polyester fiber mat

Ice silk mat is the most popular type of mat nowadays, but you must pay attention when buying it.Ingredients tableIf the ingredient label says the fabric is 100% polyester, don't buy it.

▲Lightning protection: 100% polyester fabric

Polyester is not a "cool material", and in actual use experience, 100% polyester fabric is neither breathable nor sweat-absorbent. On the contrary, it will be stuffy when you sleep on it, and if you have a little sweat on your body, you will feel sticky when you lie on it, and the comfort is very poor.

And taking the model above as an example, the safety level of the fabric is Class B, which is not suitable for babies to sleep on.

▲Children are prone to prickly heat if the air is not ventilated and sweat is stuffy

Netizen Bao Ma @小迷糊:I am one of those foolish mothers. I bought a 100% polyester B-type ice silk mat for my baby to sleep on! Now I want to hit myself because my baby has rashes all over his body! At first I didn’t realize it was the mat, but later I immediately removed it. A few days later I found that the rash on my child’s back had improved a little.

My cousin suggested:The above does not mean that the ice silk mat category cannot be chosen, but everyone must distinguish the following two points when purchasing.

①First, look at the fabric composition.The top layer of fabric that comes into contact with the human body must not be 100% polyester. Check the quality inspection report or ingredient label to make sure it contains at least 50% nylon or 50% vinyl before it is worth buying. If your budget is sufficient, it is better to choose fabrics that are 100% nylon or 100% vinyl. These two types of fibers are "ice-feeling fibers" with better air permeability and moisture absorption, and the fabric is softer and skin-friendly.

▲Pay attention to these two parameters

②The second thing to look at is the safety level.For adult use, generally speaking, Class B (can directly contact the skin) level is sufficient, but if it is used by infants and young children, Class A (can contact baby's skin) must be selected for safety. Infants' skin is delicate and needs to be carefully cared for.

The second type: latex mat

Latex is a very good material for filling the comfort layer of mattresses or making latex pillows. It is natural, environmentally friendly and antibacterial.

However, it is not very suitable to use it as a mat. First of all, the latex in the latex mat cannot directly contact human skin (because latex is not a fabric but a filler), and latex itself is not a "cool material". Therefore, whether the latex mat is cool when you sleep on it is still determined by the upper fabric (that is, it depends on whether the fabric contains nylon or polyethylene).

So what role does latex play? In fact, it can increase the softness, but this role is not particularly significant, because many families now have mattresses filled with latex or memory foam, which are soft enough. Secondly, the latex in the latex mat cannot be too thick (too thick will affect cleaning), so such thin latex does not really affect the experience.

And here comes the most crucial point. Latex itself is a relatively delicate material, and the mat used in summer needs to be washed and exposed to the sun, which is a contradiction in itself.

▲Latex ages after being exposed to the sun

Latex material can be washed but cannot be spin-dried (spray-drying in a washing machine can easily tear latex). Secondly, it cannot be exposed to the sun (the water needs to be squeezed out before drying in the shade). If it is not carefully cared for, the latex inside will easily turn into powder. Many people have reported that after using a latex mat for a year, it keeps falling apart, which leads to coughing due to dust allergies when sleeping on it. This is basically the reason.

▲Latex powdering and falling off

Therefore, this leads to the generally short service life of latex mats in Chinese families, and naturally it becomes a "delicate item that can be afforded but not used".

The third type: double-sided mats for which quality inspection reports cannot be provided

Many merchants claim that double-sided mats with one side being bamboo and the other side being rattan are made entirely of natural materials, and that the cost-effectiveness of double-sided use is indeed very high. But in fact, the environmental performance of double-sided mats produced by many manufacturers is questionable.

▲My cousin opened a set herself

▲After tearing it open, you can see a lot of residual glue on the back

The front and back layers of a double-sided mat are usually glued together during processing, but many businesses on the market use ordinary adhesives that contain a lot of formaldehyde.

▲Image source: Netizen @原始是里, tested his own double-sided mat and found that the formaldehyde content exceeded the standard

Many consumers buy furniture and sleep on it and find it smells pungent, or even makes them dizzy and nauseous. Only after a formaldehyde test do they find that the formaldehyde level exceeds the standard. Therefore, do not buy furniture that cannot provide a quality inspection report and does not indicate the name and grade of the glue used.

My cousin suggested:Be sure to choose a double-sided mat from a merchant that can provide a quality inspection report and clearly marked as using "0 formaldehyde glue" (MDI glue). Only then is it worth buying and more secure.

The fourth type: recycled rattan mat

▲Rattan mat

Many consumers must not know that even rattan mats can be faked. Some manufacturers produce rattan mats that are not made of natural bamboo or rattan, but "recycled paper". (The plant fibers are crushed and pulped to extract the fibers, dyed to make paper, and then cut and wrapped with cotton yarn, woven into mats according to a certain texture, and then high-temperature compounded to make the outer layer non-slip.)

▲Look carefully at the fabric, it is neither bamboo nor rattan

For people with sensitive skin, this kind of recycled rattan mat should never be used, otherwise it is easy to cause skin allergies and rashes. And because it is made of pulp, it cannot be washed with water, because it will rot if it is soaked in water and brushed.

▲It is actually recycled fiber

It is actually not difficult to identify. Just look at the markings on the certificate before purchasing. If the surface fabric is made of "cellulose material", it means it is recycled material. If it is "natural bamboo" or "natural rattan", you can buy it with confidence.

▲This is natural bamboo, you can clearly see the bamboo joints

In fact, it is relatively easy to distinguish with the naked eye. Taking the natural bamboo mat in the picture above as an example, it is relatively easy to judge from the touch, bamboo knots, and color of the material.

The fifth type: Beef tendon mahjong table

Mahjong mats are generally made of natural bamboo, which is cool and convenient. However, many people say that they easily get caught in their hair and leg hair, and some still have a strong odor after one or two years.

▲Mahjong table with beef tendon and hair clips

The reason is most likely because you bought a mahjong mat with beef tendon, which has a strong smell of glue. Moreover, when people lie on it, their hair and sweat glands can easily be caught, and it hurts when they turn over, which really causes a poor user experience.

My cousin suggested:In this case, you can choose a mahjong mat with "cloth tendon strings" like the one in the picture below. It will not trap hair, and the cloth tendon strings themselves will not have as strong an odor as the beef tendon strings. The entire mahjong mat will only have the smell of the bamboo itself.

▲The experience of cloth reinforcement string is better

Finally, we have summarized some easy-to-understand purchasing suggestions for everyone.

①If you are looking for coolness and comfort.You can choose mats made of Tencel, bamboo fiber, nylon, and polyethylene as the fabric. There are many styles on the market and rich choices.

②If you want to pursue dryness.Mats made of linen, pure cotton, and coarse cloth are better choices, and the style options will be less than the previous one.

③Pursue natural raw materials and durability.Just choose natural bamboo, rattan or natural straw mats, but the style selection is also minimal.

In short, no matter how good a mat is, it is not perfect. The best one is the one that suits you.

Okay, that’s all for this guide on how to avoid pitfalls when purchasing summer mats!I believe that after reading this, you will no longer be afraid of making mistakes when purchasing a summer mat!

If you have different ideas and suggestions on purchasing summer mats, you are welcome to share them in the comment section. Thank you for reading, and see you next time!