
How can fashionable AIGC marketers achieve a win-win situation in terms of both “substance” and “appearance”?


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In the past year, AI has set off a wave of technological change in all walks of life. The marketing circle, which has always been "fashionable", was the first to embrace AIGC technology.

Relevant data shows that by 2023, nearly half of my country's advertisers will use AIGC technology in online marketing activities, of which more than 90% of applications focus on content creation and creative development. This new technology-driven advertising and marketing model is gradually taking shape, bringing more possibilities for advertisers to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

However, while AIGC technology has been widely used in the marketing field, it is also accompanied by many challenges. For example, AIGC technology may generate content risks when generating marketing materials, and marketing activities that have been heavily invested may accidentally become a wedding dress for the black industry...

So, how should AIGC marketers balance the creativity and security of content creation? In the fifth episode of "AIGC Experience Party", you may find the answer.

The "AIGC Experience" video program is jointly launched by Volcano Engine, NVIDIA Connected Machine Heart and CMO CLUB. It brings together many professionals in the marketing field to discuss the application, thinking and practice of AIGC technology.

In this episode, two senior industry guests will deeply analyze AIGC's innovation and security issues in the marketing field, and share how to achieve sustained growth and steady development of the business in the midst of change.

  • July 17, 19:00-19:40
  • Live broadcast topic:Creativity is king, safety comes first, AIGC's two-pronged approach

The fifth episode invited two important guests, Zhang Jianyang, head of content security and risk control at Volcano Engine, and He Kun, senior manager of NVIDIA's enterprise developer community.

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At present, AIGC technology is gradually becoming an indispensable part of corporate marketing.

It can help marketers create imaginative marketing materials at an unprecedented speed. By simply entering a few keywords or prompts, it can automatically generate fascinating marketing copy, pictures, and marketing videos in a short time.

However, AIGC technology is not impeccable. The illusion of a large model makes the output results not completely controllable, which leads to various potential risks in marketing content. Once these low-quality marketing content is widely disseminated, it will not only damage the brand image, but also weaken consumers' trust in the brand.

On the other hand, in order to effectively convert target users, companies often invest heavily in various marketing activities, such as new user rewards and task rewards, in order to increase user stickiness. However, these tempting reward mechanisms may also become "fat meat" in the eyes of the black industry, who will exploit loopholes to cheat and take the company's marketing funds for themselves.

How to prevent large language models from speaking nonsense? How to ensure the quality and safety of AIGC content? How to prevent marketing activities from becoming a cash machine for black industries?

Faced with these "hard nut to crack" problems in the marketing field, the fifth issue of "AIGC Experience Party" will answer them one by one.

Live Registration

At 7 pm on July 17, come to the live broadcast room to watch "Creativity is king, safety comes first, the two-line battle of AIGC marketers."

Live broadcast room address:

In the fourth live broadcast of "AIGC Experience Party", Liu Chenchen, head of Volcano Engine Live Insights Product, and Liang Zheng, head of Volcano Engine Sales Assistant Product, discussed the topic of "How to retain users, how does AIGC improve conversion rates through personalization?"

As an important part of the e-commerce industry, e-commerce live streaming not only brings huge sales opportunities to companies, but also becomes an important channel for brands to interact with consumers and build brand loyalty.

In the live broadcast business scenario, what new possibilities and problem solutions will AIGC technology bring?

Liu Chenchen, head of Volcano Engine's live broadcast insight product, used a practical case study of AI-assisted live broadcast room operations to demonstrate the innovative application of Volcano Engine's AI technology in the field of e-commerce live broadcasting.

According to Liu Chenchen, a brand's live broadcast review involves a large amount of data analysis, which is a time-consuming and costly process. To address this pain point, Volcano Engine uses voice and natural language processing technology to recognize the intent of the host's explanation, summarize the content with different labels, and match the content and data at the minute level through time series, thereby realizing the automation and intelligence of content analysis and greatly improving analysis efficiency.

For example, an international beauty brand found through analysis by Volcano Engine that the interaction rate has a significant impact on transactions. After optimizing the script, the increase in interaction rate brought in an additional revenue of 2 million.

The AI ​​technology of Volcano Engine is not limited to post-analysis, but also plays an important role in the preparation before live broadcast and the marketing after live broadcast. Through the generative big model, Volcano Engine can generate words that match the live broadcast style according to the needs of the enterprise, reducing the preparation pressure of the anchor. During the live broadcast, AI technology can identify inappropriate expressions in real time and issue timely warnings to avoid risks such as points deduction and ban in the live broadcast room. After the live broadcast, AI can also automatically identify key information in the video and quickly generate attractive video slices for subsequent marketing promotion.

Liang Zhengze, product manager of Volcano Engine Sales Assistant, explained the practical application and advantages of Volcano Engine Sales Assistant in B-side business.

Volcano Engine builds various sales copilots around the "sales" role in various industries. It provides model, engineering, and product-level solutions based on the professionalism and complexity of B-side business, implements out-of-the-box services, and reduces the cost of enterprises using large models.

Specifically, at the model level, Volcano Engine has fine-tuned marketing scenarios based on a wealth of large model versions and data accumulation; at the engineering level, it has built service links, encapsulated the service framework of core technologies, and supported scenario SOP configuration; at the product level, it has provided a SaaS platform with the functions of managing and operating AI applications, including application configuration, effect operation, and infrastructure functions.

In addition, Volcano Engine's sales assistant provides all-round support for sales staff, providing customer insights through big models, intelligently recommending product solutions, real-time monitoring of sales progress, and providing sales skills guidance to help sales staff improve their professional capabilities. It can also automatically create invitations, generate follow-up strategy suggestions, and automatically prepare sales materials, reducing the burden on sales staff and improving sales efficiency and performance.

The fourth episode review viewing address:

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